Anabolic diet during a cycle


New member
Hey guys. Ive started the anabolic diet 11 days ago and im curious if, in about 2 months or so and if i see nice results, i can take and see results from a lean bulking cycle. For those of you who are not familiar with this diet, it is:
60% daily caloric intake from FATS
35% protein
5% carbs
This is monday through friday. Saturday and sunday are carb reload days and my fat and carb intake swaps.

I know most of the time, carbs are necessary for building muscle. This is why i am curious. Thanks for the help
Hey guys. Ive started the anabolic diet 11 days ago and im curious if, in about 2 months or so and if i see nice results, i can take and see results from a lean bulking cycle. For those of you who are not familiar with this diet, it is:
60% daily caloric intake from FATS
35% protein
5% carbs
This is monday through friday. Saturday and sunday are carb reload days and my fat and carb intake swaps.

I know most of the time, carbs are necessary for building muscle. This is why i am curious. Thanks for the help
Hey guys. Ive started the anabolic diet 11 days ago and im curious if, in about 2 months or so and if i see nice results, i can take and see results from a lean bulking cycle. For those of you who are not familiar with this diet, it is:
60% daily caloric intake from FATS
35% protein
5% carbs
This is monday through friday. Saturday and sunday are carb reload days and my fat and carb intake swaps.

I know most of the time, carbs are necessary for building muscle. This is why i am curious. Thanks for the help

This is basically a lax keto diet but keto won't normally have 2 carb refeed days. I suggest reading the Ketogenic Handbook by Lyle McDonald or hiring 3J to fine tune the diet. Contrary to popular belief, carbs are NOT necessary to build muscle.
Ill look mare into it. The first two weeks have only 1 reload day, but after that, it says to use it on the weekend. I can keep it just sunday, if that is better. But i am not scared of carbs, justread up on a few diets and i thought id give this one a try. The purpose is to train your body to use fats as energy, not carbs
Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale.
That is the author. Hes been a DR as well as a trainer and powerlifter for 25 years. Seems to stand by this diet pretty strongly. Just thought id give it a try. Especially if carbs are NOT needed for muscle. Id just hate to cycle eventually and get NO gains. This is y i am curious about this diet. See what you guys think
This diet isn't magical or superior to any other diet. Nutrition is about matching calorie intake to needs which depends on your goals. If you make no gains it's bc you weren't eating enough to gain weight. After a week or two of trace carbs you'll likely be in ketosis which is when your body uses ketones instead of glucose as fuel for your muscles and movements. One carb refeed day is usually enough to restore glycogen and power the brain.
Hey guys. Ive started the anabolic diet 11 days ago and im curious if, in about 2 months or so and if i see nice results, i can take and see results from a lean bulking cycle. For those of you who are not familiar with this diet, it is:
60% daily caloric intake from FATS
35% protein
5% carbs
This is monday through friday. Saturday and sunday are carb reload days and my fat and carb intake swaps.

I know most of the time, carbs are necessary for building muscle. This is why i am curious. Thanks for the help

Everyone is different man. There is no one size fits all diet. You have to experiment to see what works best for you.