anadrol cycle questions and comments (odd cycle idea)


New member
ok so im new to the thread so im shure ill get flamed for this im 25 6ft 180ish idk i dont realy check or care till im over 210 and im 8%bf atm

this is not my first cycle iv been doing alot of research and cant realy find any info on this subject

all my old scorces are down i stopped lifting 2 years ago to fight mma for a while got back in to bodybuilding i had about 10 weeks of anadrol left from 2 years ago, after checking to see that the shelf life is about 8 years i decided to look for some test and a pct, couldnt find anything (im not looking for sources just explaining my story first)

so now im sitting here with 10 weeks of anadrol and nothing to stack it with and no pct to come off shiiiittt. so heres the idea

2 weeks on 2 off the off weeks use a test booster and pct to help bring back levels then go back on to avoid the shut down as much.

would 2 weeks on shut me down for more than that, and is anadrol to strong for that pct to take effect. im a genetic freak so 2 weeks on i put on over 10 lbs proly about 4lbs is water but theres nothing you can realy do about that with abombs. i see alot of people say dont touch shit unless you got some nova laying around. and i cant disagree but wouldnt a test booster help level your test out while the pct adds to that effect while holding back your estrogen? idk please dont flame for this im trying to learn more if the test booster pct stack wouldnt work please explain why. thanks
Welcome bro :)

I'm all for experimenting and using anabolics only, but yes it is a dumb idea and this is from someone with what they like to call "unorthodox".

I'm not trying flame you like you know your about to cop from everyone else, but save it until you find some test and kickstart your cycle with it, or you could sell it.

Anadrol is one of the AAS I definitely do not recommend that you run alone, but if you must try, see for yourself but you will need to PCT.

IF you are deadset on doing it though bro, the only way for a bloke to do something like Anadrol alone and will be the only way I will ever tell someone who wants to attempt it, to run it with hCG the entire time as a test base whilst also keeping your gains because your going to get shut down like it or not, hCG will happen to provide a little test and e2 to feel good and be within normal range but essentially letting the anadrol do it's thing while you could still actually function.

If you can't get hCG, try harder otherwise get some Nolva or Toremifene at the least off the board sponser here for a PCT after 6 weeks and post up photos or atleast how it went because as someone who runs Deca only and hasn't flamed you or said what you are expecting and have already been told whilst you state you know it yourself... I didn't jab ya for the, unorthodox approach that I happen to have zero personal experience with nor will I ever ;)
Oral only cycles are for women only. Men need test. This is a crazy cycle proposal. I wouldn't recommend doing so at all...
alright thanks for the info just figured id ask, how long is it before your system shuts down iv herd 2 weeks and iv herd some people run test for 15 weeks no pct (i know thats fucking retarted). but i guess people do it. is there a real awnser when your system shuts down or at least a round about time frame?
Risk vs. reward on that one doesn't sit well with me. I think you'd have a very high chance of shutting down anyway and a very, very low chance of keeping any gains. At a minimum I'd say plan to be completely shut down and have a real clomid/nolva PCT on hand.
not a good idea . Test is so easily available and cheap as hell, my 8 year old could get online and order test with a 2 minute google search , its not that hard to get. pct is even easier to get