anadrol, Test Cyp, Deca Cyle Advice Please!


New member
Hey guys I will be starting my next cycle on monday. It is as follows:

Androl- 50mg ED for wk. 1-2 bumped up to 100mg ED for wk. 2-4.

Testosterone Cypionate- 900mg for wks. 1-12

Deca - 450mg for wk 1-12

I am a moderately experienced user and have actually ran this cycle before with great results. My diet is on point and my stats are as follows:
210 pounds
10% body fat
I have hit a plateau and am working on building up to 220 pounds but haven't had any gains in a long time even with increased training and protein and calorie intake. I know what Im doing as it comes to that so this is more a question about the gear.

Im just really asking if anyone has any advice as what would give this cycle that extra bump or magic to it.

I just want to get the most out of my gear while also doing it the right way.

Also have my clomid and nolva i will start 2 weeks after my last injection. Hasn't failed me before but I'm open to any positive criticism. Thanks guys!
my 2 cents to tweak cycle for more gains-

Add testosterone prop for the first five weeks (along with your test cyp) at 75-100 mg eod.. this will get your test levels up quicker, then by week five you can drop the prop while the test cyp has had time to build up.

Run your testosterone 2 weeks longer then deca.. so run deca to week 12 but test cyp to week 14

Maybe - just like you did with the test prop - Add and Run NPP (short ester deca) for the first 5 weeks (along with your deca dosage), this will get deca in your system quicker (for me deca seems to take a good 6 weeks to kick in,, would be much faster front loading NPP).

imo, doing those things will make your 12 week cycle give you the results of a longer 18 week cycle.

running hcg?
Honestly Ive always like anadrol better. I feel awesome on it and have never had any real issues with it. I only run it for a month at a time. And tbonexl you advise 14-16 weeks deca 18-19 weeks test? Shit thats a long time haha. 12 is longest I've ran
Use npp then if you don't want to run deca for the recommended length. Npp needs pinned every other day or every day...
personally, I'm with Tbonexl and prefer running long cycles***8230; note though on that, especially with deca or EQ, if your gonna run it 12+ weeks, then at that point your really gonna need to get bloods done and check your hematocrit (RBC).
Yeah bloodworm will be done Roush i will post them. So guys i usually use nolva and clomid for my pct. But for running deca this long at that dose should I be adding anything else? I have read a lot about the good effects of caber wiith deca, but not any information about its side effects. If I would use it should I use it after or during? And will it effect my gains at all?
agree with Tbonexl. not much point running deca for 12 weeks. if you are use NPP. the image below shows the difference in kick in time between deconoate vs Phenylpropionate. simulated if you were injecting 225mg deca mon/thurs or 150mg NPP mon/wed/fri

this graph doesnt represent any factual blood levels but is a good indication for you to see the npp (blue line) hits nice levels at 3 weeks and the deca (yellow line) doesnt hit the same level until week 9.

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Yeah bloodworm will be done Roush i will post them. So guys i usually use nolva and clomid for my pct. But for running deca this long at that dose should I be adding anything else? I have read a lot about the good effects of caber wiith deca, but not any information about its side effects. If I would use it should I use it after or during? And will it effect my gains at all?

I keep caber and prami on hand in case prolactin sides show up.. Thankfully I've never had to use either. If no prolactin sides are there then a normal pct without caber or prami should be fine**

** I'm on trt , so I personally have no experience with pct