Anavar for Nat'l Bikini Level

Hi everyone!

Wohhoo. This is my first thread post on the internet since dial up. So, please, if I am misposting or in the wrong corner of the sandbox, just point out where to go without being mean :smashcomp

I started competing in April of 2013 for Bikini Division in an unregulated federation. I thus far have been 100% natural. I am a personal trainer and I have always had extremely low body fat percentage (about 13-19 throughout the years) I have hormone imbalances since I was 16 (due to the depo-provera shot, if anyone is familiar with this BC). Genetically, my family is obese from our lifestyle (Italian). However, I have been playing competitive sports through my adolescent and teen years, so I have never been more than 10lbs "overweight".

My natural bodyweight is 93lbs and about 17% BF
As a trainer, I maintain about 95lbs and 12% BF

--> This is the point in which I had started to consider competing (20 weeks out) and went with a coach that dieted me down to 86lbs on stage (despite my feedback that 200G protein in only tilapia and cod and 18G fat 60G carbs was NOT ENOUGH) for my size and activity level. I was EMACIATED (7%BF) and got many point deductions for being to lean and stringy. Although I still placed 10th out of 23 girls in Bikini A in a National Qualifier.

My second show was exactly 9 weeks later. I took my diet into my own hands. Had the most glorious refeed of my life and reversed out of it as best I could. I took 5th Place out of 26 girls in this show and the competition was FIERCE.. I was a clear 5th, 1st 2nd and 3rd were about 10 points lower than 4th and I.

Two weeks later I placed 1st, but missed the overall. I felt that I had now sacrificed my definition in pursuit of gaining the booty back. The competition was smaller and not like the first two big and competitive shows I had done.

My current calorie intake is almost 1900 - still high in protein at 180G, Carbs 165G, Fat 42G give or take a couple grams a day. I intake whole food ( Anavar (var) ied sources of protein, as well as supplement shakes) and have added 5MG creatine Mono which I take 2x day 2.5 before work as a trainer and post my gym session. (I used to take before and after my sessions but it had an affect on my urinary tract so I allow for the time now). Quick breakdown and typical (not every) day:

27 years old
Female, athlete (I have a studio and work/train etc 14h day sometimes)
5'1, 101 lbs

Wake 5:00 AM

7:00 AM Protein Shake with Oats, Creatine

10:00 AM Protein Shake with Oats

2:00 PM Meal 3 I load the remaining carbs here (with exception of my veggie carbs etc) Usually Chicken or Steak for a protein source

5:00 PM Meal 4 Fish or Eggs or Chicken and Greens & Fat Burner

5:30 PM I lift

8:00 Creatine & Meal 5 Fish or eggs, greens or Shake. Occasionally I'll just do a yogurt with protein (25G) if I feel that I can't eat

I do HIIT Cardio 2x Week, LIT Stepper 3x week.

I recently started taking off a day or two (2-1-3-1)
I also recently stopped DL and Squatting so heavy as I feel that I have over developed my lats and transverse abs and I am getting thicker in my core.

I am looking to make some small gains without sacrificing any muscle during my last two weeks. I don't really drop much (typical crash peak week) and it has worked for me in the last two shows. I just dont have quite the size or definition I need to compete fairly IMO with the girls at this show with 16 weeks to go.

I am considering toying with Anavar (var) . Many people tell me 10mg but I feel that that may even be too much for me to jump into. I'd like to start with 2.5G for two weeks, then go to 5 (2.5 twice daily) etc maybe peaking at 10.

I am normally all Layne Norton and reverse and clean eating so I am reluctant to go to the dark side - yet. Just hoping someone here has a little flashlight of inside and can give some insight as to what I can expect, how long I should cycle, if I would need to stack and what the sides would be. I have researched, just looking for a personally reflective response.

My appetite drops at about 5 and then picks up late at night. I should add that I am awake from 5 am til about midnight. My sleep pattern cannot be changed right now and I know that I am not resting properly which is why I have adjusted my wo split. Most night's I go to bed starving - or cave and have something I shouldnt (I am afraid the Anavar (var) will make this worse)

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You're a bikini athlete, you don't need much muscle or to be that lean. I would say something like 95% of the guys that train these bikini competitors are COMPLETE morons. You hear Layne Norton calling out a few every once in a while. They get you doing 800 calories a day with 2 hours of cardio and you can only eat "clean" foods like chicken and broccoli and that's it and then their secret is to down your sodium and up your potassium and get you to dehydrate yourself. Honestly, just stay natural and diet properly and hire a REAL coach. If your coach tells you that you can only eat certain types of foods like tilapia, chicken breast, broccoli etc I would run the other direction. Pic an experienced coach that doesn't starve their athletes.

Just becase a coach is part of a "team" and has a few clients that go pro doesn't mean anything because the percentage of their clients that go pro is almost guaranteed to be low but some will manipulate this by pretending certain "failed" athletes were never part of their team or they will tell newcomers that they cannot claim they are apart of their team.