Anavar only, but want to start Test E


New member
Hey guys, i was palnning to do test e cycle, but due to some complications i couldnt, i got my hands on anavar so i started it, this is my last days of week 2, my test e has arrived finally, how do i go bout starting test

my cycle was as follows

Week 1-12 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle
HCG @1000iu/week, split up into two pins(Mon/Thurs) or 2000ius every 4 shots of test

Wait 3 weeks (Arimidex .25mg EOD till 2 days for PCT/HCG @1000iu/week)
Week 16: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 17-19: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

Anavar cycle ws

Week 1 30mg
Week 2-6 50mg
PCT Nolva 40/40/20

So what should i do now, should i continue anvar till its over and then start test e or should i start it right away?

BTW stats
170 lbs
I'm planning to do something like this.
Week 1 anavar 30mg ( as its done already)
Week 2 anavar 50 MG (done already)
Week 3-6 anavar 50 mg
Week 3-14 test e 500 mg Monday and Thursday
Arimidex. 25mg eod starting 2nd day of cycle
Hcg 1000iu,split in 2, or 2000 iu split in 4

Wait 3 weeks (Arimidex. 25mg till 2 days for pct/hcg 1000 iu a week)
PCT would be as mentioned
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Clearly no thought whatsoever gone into this!!!
Rather than criticizing just tell me what to do, I know first cycle should be test and stuff, fine I get it. This is not how I planned this.. I asked a simple question, I'm rectifying where I went wrong and following the protocol of test only as its safe.. I've seen people use anavar along side test. That's what I asked, if I can do that or no?
I did not ask if I put thoughts into it.
You should've never started using anavar by itself. Everything shuts down your natural test production. Test is the base for every cycle in men. You clearly don't understand this. To post such a thing and not expect criticism is crazy. I suggest you stop your cycle and read up on the ology faq's thread..

Click and read...

I know, first cycle should be test only, and that's how I planned it. I even posted the cycle in the question. But I started with anavar. So my only question is can I start Test now.. I've read that sticky.
I know, first cycle should be test only, and that's how I planned it. I even posted the cycle in the question. But I started with anavar. So my only question is can I start Test now.. I've read that sticky.

So... if you know Test should be the base for every cycle, why are you asking whether you should start it now?

Do you really need spoon feeding?
So... if you know Test should be the base for every cycle, why are you asking whether you should start it now?

Do you really need spoon feeding?

Started it.. took my first shot.. and now that im 2 weeks into var, i'll just continue that.. my cycle will look like this

Week 1 anavar 30mg
Week 2 anavar 50mg
Week 3-6 anavar 50mg
Week 3-14 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle
HCG @1000iu/week, split up into two pins(Mon/Thurs) or 2000ius every 4 shots of test
Wait 3 weeks (Arimidex .25mg EOD till 2 days for PCT/HCG @1000iu/week)
Week 18: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 19-21: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

Thnks for your help :)
So... if you know Test should be the base for every cycle, why are you asking whether you should start it now?

Do you really need spoon feeding?

Just want to make sure I got this right. The reasoning for test base or test only as a first cycle is to see how your body reacts to a single compound and an oral such as anavar can shut down natural test?

Shutting down test means your body no long produces its own test, cause low t symptoms I assume?
Just want to make sure I got this right. The reasoning for test base or test only as a first cycle is to see how your body reacts to a single compound and an oral such as anavar can shut down natural test?

Shutting down test means your body no long produces its own test, cause low t symptoms I assume?

That is correct. We men NEED testosterone to function properly. That's why oral only cycles are dumb.

Did I read that right OP? You started adex while just on anavar?
That is correct. We men NEED testosterone to function properly. That's why oral only cycles are dumb.

Did I read that right OP? You started adex while just on anavar?

No, i started it after 2 day of my test shot.. Im following proper protocol, just added anavar in the beginning
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