anavar suitable for me?


New member
hi there

im 21 yr old female possibly wanting to start a cycle of anavar.

a year and a half ago i had a procedure called lap band done, aiding me in losing weight. i started off weighing 130kg and an current down to 85kg. about six months ago i was weighing in at 70kg which is what im aiming getting back to.

i had a tummy tuck and breast implants done when i was weighting in at 75kg and was extremely happy with my flat stomach... as i got very sick i stacked on about 20kg and am working to get it all off again. as i know my stomach and body can be very tight and flat, and im wanting to get it back to that.

i find i hold alot of fluid and weight in my thighs and legs, but when im losing weight its one of the first places it comes off. as im getting married in may next year im wanted to get back to my flat stomach and smaller thighs with lots of definition in my whole body, especially my upper half.

im wanting to stat a proper weight training schedule to stick to and a great eating plan to go along with it. im aware that var isn't a fat burner, but i want it to help aid my body get back to being defined and tight all over.

as i said im 21, height 165cm, 85kg and approx 20% body fat.

please anyone let me know what you think of me entering a cycle of anavar, and how i should go about it! as soon as i know the answer, i can organise to start it.

thanks sooo much!
Hi Ill1cit,

All I can share with you is knowledge from my own experience.

I tried Anavar and gained loadsa weight. Mainly water retention, but what the heck, as soon as I start gaining I become grumpy.

It depends on the aromatase factor (i.e. if your body is gullible to turning androgens into estrogens). Trouble is, you won't know till you've tried it out... But if you want to lose weight, I'd stay clear of 'Var'.

Good luck.