Hi guys, i made an account here hoping to get some answers to my questions. Ive been googling around and cant seem to find a good answer to my questions.
Lets start off with alittle about myself, im 24yrs old, atm around 85kg and 180cm. I've been training for about 2yrs now.
When i started my weight was 110kg, i lost 30kg in 1 year with a strict diet and workout regime. After that i've been between 80-85kg.
Now im looking to cut some fat before the summer, im about 25% bf right now and looking to get down to 20% or lower by the end of may. The problem is that the pace its going right now, i wont make my goal in the next 3 months.
First off i tried doing a 6week cycle with clen, gave some results but it doesnt seem to really do the trick for me. So i started considering doing t3/clen, after doing some research on it, i learned that without any aas it will eat away alot of my muscles aswell as fat.
As it stands now i can't get my hands on clen in the near future, but i have accsess to t3, anavar, eca amongst other things.
Which brings me to my questions!
1) Since my bf% is quite high, can i run t3 alone without anything else and still get some decent results without loosing too much muscles?
2) Can i run anavar + t3 alone without clen or any other substance?
3) Should i go for t3+eca?
4) Should i go t3+eca+anavar instead of t3+clen and anavar?
In short, what would be the best way for me to take t3 for cutting fat without taking clen aswell?
I hope someone could take their time to enlighten me alittle, as to what would be best for me. I've never done either anavar or t3 before, ive only done clen and eca stack.
Thanks in advance!
Lets start off with alittle about myself, im 24yrs old, atm around 85kg and 180cm. I've been training for about 2yrs now.
When i started my weight was 110kg, i lost 30kg in 1 year with a strict diet and workout regime. After that i've been between 80-85kg.
Now im looking to cut some fat before the summer, im about 25% bf right now and looking to get down to 20% or lower by the end of may. The problem is that the pace its going right now, i wont make my goal in the next 3 months.
First off i tried doing a 6week cycle with clen, gave some results but it doesnt seem to really do the trick for me. So i started considering doing t3/clen, after doing some research on it, i learned that without any aas it will eat away alot of my muscles aswell as fat.
As it stands now i can't get my hands on clen in the near future, but i have accsess to t3, anavar, eca amongst other things.
Which brings me to my questions!
1) Since my bf% is quite high, can i run t3 alone without anything else and still get some decent results without loosing too much muscles?
2) Can i run anavar + t3 alone without clen or any other substance?
3) Should i go for t3+eca?
4) Should i go t3+eca+anavar instead of t3+clen and anavar?
In short, what would be the best way for me to take t3 for cutting fat without taking clen aswell?
I hope someone could take their time to enlighten me alittle, as to what would be best for me. I've never done either anavar or t3 before, ive only done clen and eca stack.
Thanks in advance!