I am banned!
So you're saying that i continue var, add test from next week?
First realize that Test is a MUST on every cycle. Second, how much do you have and is it a Legit labs Var and not some lab called doubleD's labs. Like Big Ben said, labs will throw dbol or anadrol into a pill and call it Var.
But yes, in my opinion you can run it. 4-6 weeks at a dose of 80-100mg a day. If you don't have enough to run it for that long at that amount, save it.
Theoretically your first cycle should be Test only. I personally think that is geared more towards the use of Tren, Deca, Dbol and so on. You need to be able to recognize how your body feels with high or low E2 and you need to be able to know what amount of AI you need at certain doses of Test. That lets you know what to run to prevent side effects that harsher steroids can cause with your E2 being out of whack. Being that Var doesn't aromatise and has no effect on E2 I think it is a safe oral to run. Does that mean you should...No, its just my opinion.