Andromix Cutting Cycle - Need Proviron?


New member
I'm looking to cycle 8 weeks of ** Andromix (50mg Test P, 50mg Tren A, 50mg Masteron per mL) at 1 mL ED.

I know the Clomid / Nolva PCT. Going to run Arimidex at 0.5mg e3d and adjust as needed. HCG at 250iu twice a week, and 500iu ED for 10 days after last pin. Pramipexole on hand for prolactin management.

Looking to cut body fat %. Should I also run Proviron with this cycle? Is 25mg ED enough to run during the cycle? Or should I use Proviron as a PCT? Is Proviron even necessary?

I'm 5' 11", 30 years old. 4th cycle. 180 lbs. 16ish% BF.

Thanks in advance.
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Proviron isnt needed for anything but an add on. You'll be fine with it or without it.

If you do decide to add it in I'd run at least 50mg a day
You have proviron's big brother masteron already, no need to take both. :)

(proviron = non-methylated masteron = non-DOUBLE-methylated superdrol)