Andropen/Primobolan/HGH cycle


New member
Hello all,

Looking for thoughts on my current cycle. I have 5 weeks left so any input is certainly appreciated. I was going to do a primobolan only cycle but decided test was a necessary addition (thus the start in week 5). I have had no sides at all. I am definitely interested in your feedback on the cycle itself but definitely the post cycle therapy (pct) portion as my previous cycles were Primobolan only and I did not have to run anything but Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for post cycle therapy (pct) (had bloodwork come back flawless each time).

Age 28
8% BF

Andropen 275 - 3x/week (825mg) weeks 5-12
Primobolan - 3x/week (600mg) weeks 1-12
HGH 3iu ED (run year round)

post cycle therapy (pct)

HCG week 6 (2500iu 3x) week 14 (2500iu 3x)
week 14-15 40mg ED
week 16-17 20mg ED
week 18+ 10 mg ED until back to normal.

Thank you in advance!
You are 160 pounds! I would stay away from AAS and get some body weight first! Sorry to say this but what you need is food.