Hello, I am new here and I'm coming with some questions. I am 25 years old, and I have never taken steroids before. I have been lifting since high school and have maintained a healthy lifestyle and diet. I am currently at 6% body fat weighing 175 pounds. I'm 5'10 and pretty lean. I eat right at 3500 calories a day, 300-350g of protein and 400+ carbs. I work in a factory right now and its close to 110 degrees at all times so I sweat all day, making gains harder. My main goal is to bulk up, and I was looking at orals such as anadrol. After asking around and doing some reasearch I found just a simple 10-12 week test cycle would be better. My first idea was 4 weeks of anadrol, and a couple weeks of Winstrol (Stanozolol) to reduce some of the water retention. Following with clomid for my pct. After reading I found Testosterone-C for 25 bucks for a 200mg vial. I would inject two a week for 10-12 weeks following would be clomid or nova. Would this be more effective? Sorry if these newbie posts bother you guys, but I want to do this right. So any information would be greatly appreciated, and I will attempt to answer any questions you may have.