Another first cycle post.


New member
Hello, I am new here and I'm coming with some questions. I am 25 years old, and I have never taken steroids before. I have been lifting since high school and have maintained a healthy lifestyle and diet. I am currently at 6% body fat weighing 175 pounds. I'm 5'10 and pretty lean. I eat right at 3500 calories a day, 300-350g of protein and 400+ carbs. I work in a factory right now and its close to 110 degrees at all times so I sweat all day, making gains harder. My main goal is to bulk up, and I was looking at orals such as anadrol. After asking around and doing some reasearch I found just a simple 10-12 week test cycle would be better. My first idea was 4 weeks of anadrol, and a couple weeks of Winstrol (Stanozolol) to reduce some of the water retention. Following with clomid for my pct. After reading I found Testosterone-C for 25 bucks for a 200mg vial. I would inject two a week for 10-12 weeks following would be clomid or nova. Would this be more effective? Sorry if these newbie posts bother you guys, but I want to do this right. So any information would be greatly appreciated, and I will attempt to answer any questions you may have.
I love these kinda post only reason I come here.You will have great success with a test only cycle 12-14 week pin twice a week mon thurs.Have clomid and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) .Aromasin or arimidex on hand if estro problems come up.
Works for me, and about the calories. Like I said, I'm sweating my ass off all day long at work. So it balances out.
How much does one typically gain considering they have a good diet/workout routine/sleep schedule on this cycle?
And would 250mg be sufficient to gain some size or would I have to take more than that to see results. Im not looking to get huge my first cycle, plus i want to spend less than 300 on the test and pct.
And would 250mg be sufficient to gain some size or would I have to take more than that to see results. Im not looking to get huge my first cycle, plus i want to spend less than 300 on the test and pct.

if your not tryin to get huge no point in taking steroids.Also never calculate money into the equation when dealing with your body.250mg is not worth it imo
yeah skip the orals you were considering for 1st cycle

run Sustanon (sust) or test cyp max 500mg a week , youll gain plenty , especially at low bf%
6% bodyfat? You would think your anabolic hormones would be shot at maintaining that level. Unless you naturally maintain 6% in that case you got pro level genetics with you. Anyways best of luck with the cycle.
Yeah man I work in 100+ degree weather with insane humidity for 8 hours a day 6 days a week, and lift average 3000-6000 pounds of metal a day. its amazing how fast fat melts off of you. I have a hard time putting on weight now since I started this job. I will do 500mg split once a week for twelve and clomid for 3 or 4 weeks. Thanks for the input guys. I really appreciate it.