Another First Cycle Thread... Test E @ 300mg/week


New member
Hi all,

I'm a long time lurker :yumyum:, never posted until now...


Age 21 (will be 22 when I start the cycle)
210 lbs
15% BF
Training for 4 years, seriously for 2.
When I was younger I broke my jaw, and had to drink out of a straw for a few months. I was very skinny when I started lifting.

Purposed cycle:

Test E @ 300mg/week for 12 weeks, pinning twice weekly
Aromasin @ 12.5mg/EoD for 12 weeks

PCT starts 3 days after last pin, lasting for 4 weeks.

Clomid @ 100/50/50/50 (50mg tabs)
Nolvadex @ 50/25/25/25 (25mg tabs)

Lemme know what you guys think. I know that the aromasin may be an unnecessary precaution, but I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the titties. I'd like to keep the water down on cycle too.

I do have a few questions-

1) Should I start the Aromasin later during the cycle and/or keep going with the Aromasin during the PCT?
2) How much nolva do I take if I start to see signs of gyno?
3) Is 300mg enough to see some 15lbs~ over 3 months?

Question about price removed

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Without going into an age thing or explaining how you should wait, lets be constructive here.

300mgs test per week is just slightly above a high TRT dose and should be atleast 400 - 600 mgs minimum
Everything else looks fine, I suggest buying double the aromasin you need as you may end up having to use it ED

Price talk is not permitted so I would edit that out.
@Kazmir, thanks again for the constructive reply! I can up to 400mg/week for sure. The Aromasin comes in bottle of 60 tabs @ 12.5mg each. At this rate I'll have enough for the whole 12 weeks on test, as well as the 4 weeks of PCT. Are you saying I should take 12.5mg every day instead?

@snowpatrol123, No, I haven't had natural test levels tested. Although I'm young, I doubt I have above average levels. Isn't it really expensive to test? How would I go about doing this?
It's free here, inexpensive in the states.

I ask mainly because unless they're below-average, I sincerely believe you can accomplish most of whatever you're after without gear until you're 25.

I won't try to stop you, but you want to get pre-cycle bloodwork done anyways so that you have a reference point- just consider what I said.
It's free here, inexpensive in the states.

I ask mainly because unless they're below-average, I sincerely believe you can accomplish most of whatever you're after without gear until you're 25.

I won't try to stop you, but you want to get pre-cycle bloodwork done anyways so that you have a reference point- just consider what I said.

I will definitely get bloodwork done before I start, thanks bro.
Where did u come up with starting your pct 3 days after your last pin?

lol, I read it somewhere... I remember it saying that Test-E takes approx 3.5 days to begin to absorb, or something along those lines.

Is this not correct? Should I start immediately or wait 2 weeks after?
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It's definitely incorrect. Maybe if u were taking test prop. Theres a thread on pct calculator somewhere around here. U would be closer to 3 weeks most likely.
It's definitely incorrect. Maybe if u were taking test prop. Theres a thread on pct calculator somewhere around here. U would be closer to 3 weeks most likely.

Hmm, Ok cool.

Can anyone answer my question regarding Aromasin? Double the dosage? Should I start when I start test, and continue all the way through my PCT, or should I stop when I stop taking test?
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Hey brother. Cycle looks good. I started at 250 and ended up jumping up anyway. You gotta remember most of this stuff isn't properly dosed anyway- so while you had a good idea at starting low- it just doesn't work like that with UGL sadly. most anyway. I found I needed 12.5 ED too, 6.25 ED didn't cut it. Also I ran my SIN all the way through PCT. once nolva gets your T back (10 days) to get a little in the tank, you can back off the nolva (shits poisen) and instead boost LH and T using E slight depression (if you know about the feedback loops).

My PCT was 40/20/10/10 with 12.5/6.25/6.25/6.25 E3D and now I still take 6.25 E3d to keep my estrogen where I like it while I fully recover.

Congrats on doing your first cycle as TEST E- for me it wasn't easy, and I'm sure neither for you, but boy was it effective and am I ever glad I did it instead of all those oral only cycles people jump into.

Good luck brother.
Even if you decide to stop running the aromasin during PCT do not stop when you stop the test because the ester will take 10-14 days to clear so you will still need at min 12.5 ED till the half life clears (4.5-6.5 days) then probably 6.25 mg until start of PCT.

If you are doing ethanate keep it simple. It has a 14 day clear (debatable) but for the purpose of this let's use it, and it has a 7 day half life ( half of shit left in laymans terms).

If you inject 2x a week 200mg.

Blood levels would look like this-

Day 1- 200
Day 7- 300
Day 14- 500 etc. Use a calculator but that's the just of it.

So you can see how It takes a while to take effect because you are always taking 2 step forward, .5 step back.

It took me about 3 weeks to notice it on my body but maybe 10 days before my dick noticed it.