Another first cycle thread


New member
I'm a little guy ( 5'4) and have been wanting to start a cycle for a while now. I grew up chunky and a few years back got into bodybuilding style training as a way to keep my weight down. I did pretty well, and finally saw abs about one year ago and decided to do my first natural bulk, it resulted in a huge amount of weight gain, but about a third of it was fat. I got much stronger this last year (since I wasn't constantly dieting!) and can now squat 400 and DL 400. I don't bench due to shoulder issues that started to develop (wanted to be proactive so cut out the benching and now do d-bell inclines and such) I'm cutting now, and have been cutting weight pretty well... so here's where I have some questions...

I'm 5'4 at 166, my body fat is a little higher than I'd like (Some love handles, only upper abs showing) so I was thinking of waiting until I have abs to start a cycle, since its bulking.

The cycle I was thinking of running was

1. 500 mg of Test E, split up into two shots a week.
2. 300 mg of Deca, once a week

The cycle would go for twelve weeks, with the deca cut off a week before the test. For PCT I was going to use both Nolva and clomid, but there has been a lot of information I've read saying to use just one or the other, so I'd appreciate input on that. I have nolva on backup for any gyno sides and have a good doctor to run bloodwork for me.

Thoughts? should I start now or keep cutting first? Should I mix up the cycle? PCT? Should short guys not use roids (lol)
i just got off my first cycle that was very much the same as yours but i just ran test e for 12 weeks. i jumped up 25 pounds.. my only propblem was my diet, i gained a little bit of fat and some love handles but after talking with people on here i got my diet right and was informed that even while bulking you can develope abs and lose fat.. its all in your diet... your cycle looks good so i would say start now, what i would do is go into the diet section and talk to 3j about yuor diet..
i just got off my first cycle that was very much the same as yours but i just ran test e for 12 weeks. i jumped up 25 pounds.. my only propblem was my diet, i gained a little bit of fat and some love handles but after talking with people on here i got my diet right and was informed that even while bulking you can develope abs and lose fat.. its all in your diet... your cycle looks good so i would say start now, what i would do is go into the diet section and talk to 3j about yuor diet..

That's interesting. See, I hear conflicting shit all the time about the diet part. I can eat to lose (like a champ, not hard at all for me anymore) and to gain really well. Problem was even though I was eating clean during my bulk, I was shoveling down food. I was told to not worry about fat from some resident gym badasses. Turns out they are pretty much always on cycle, so it didn't work as well for me (put on good muscle, lots of strength, but got a bit fatter then I wanted).
yea see i cycled and thought that i could eat anything fried food fast food whatever and i had great gaind but also fat gains and i prob could of put on more muscle.. so now i eat two chicken breat a eump steak tuna and vegies in 5 meals including shakes... your body does what you put in it.. you put in fat u gain fat.. get your diet on point with lean proteins and good calorie intake youll put on size and lower your bf
Yea, I've never had an issue with that. I hate fried food, don't drink soda, use mayo, any of that stuff. My issue is just that I don't know if I'm too fat to start and gain optimally. I want to put on a lot of muscle, as much as possible, during the cycle. What did you do for PTC by the way?

Picture of me now. I'm a little flat from zero carbs, might post another one when I've had some carbs. Using the anabolic diet for fat loss makes me feel weak and fat for five days a week, and then way thinner on the weekend, lol.
the image didint show mine has been doing that also.. but nah you dont need to cut to start. your gains n diet will take care of that also do about 20 min of cardio 3-4 times a week, test is great start it now and kill your abs your bf will go down deff