- How to determine the right dosages for a first steroid cycle?


Olympic Bodybuilder
Determining the right dosages for a first steroid cycle involves balancing effectiveness with safety. Here’s how to approach it:

  1. Start Low:
    • Beginners should use conservative doses to assess how their body responds. For example, 300–500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate per week is a typical starting point.
  2. Understand Half-Lives:
    • Choose compounds with longer half-lives (e.g., Testosterone Enanthate) for steady blood levels and easier management.
  3. Avoid Stacking:
    • Stick to a single compound for your first cycle to isolate effects and manage side effects.
  4. Consider Goals and Body Weight:
    • Dosage may depend on your body size and whether your goal is bulking or cutting.
  5. Monitor Side Effects:
    • Use the minimum effective dose that produces results without severe side effects.

Always consult a knowledgeable source, use regular blood tests, before during and after cycle and after pct, and plan for proper post-cycle therapy (PCT).