Another "help me pick my bulking cycle" post !


New member
Hello all! I have two cycles I'm thinking of running. Which one would you guys say id most optimal for a recomp if I start my bulk at around 9-10%?

Cycle #1 12 Weeks
Tren A 700mg Week
Test P 400mg Week
HGH 5iu Day

Cycle #2 12 Week
Tren A 700
Mast P 500
Test P 350
HGH 5iu Day

Cycle #3 16 Weeks
EQ 900mg Week (16 weeks )
Test E 750mg Week (weeks1-4 then drop it to 250mg a week once Tren starts 4-16)
Tren A 500mg Week (weeks 4-16 total of 12 weeks)
HGH 5iu Day

I have Prami, Letro, Adex, HCG all on hand and used accordingly.

Open to opinions.
Why short esters for a 12 week cycle? Is this your first run with tren?

I'm a huge fan of test/tren/mast, but I'd certainly look at the longer esters and increase the mast to at least 600mg. In all honesty though, any of those will suit your needs, it all depends on what you do with it though. :)
personally for a bulk , I'd shoot for the 12+ weeks with longer esters front loaded with short esters.

Test prop weeks 1-6
Test E - weeks 1-14
Npp - weeks 1-8
Deca - weeks 1-12

^ the above is only two compounds , Test and Nandrolone (fast acting front loaded with longer esters) . . so feel free to throw in a third compound like 600 mg of Mast or an oral along with it as well.
I'd save the Tren for cutting, recomp, contest prep, or maintenance, and go with a Nandrolone instead .
Why short esters for a 12 week cycle? Is this your first run with tren?

I'm a huge fan of test/tren/mast, but I'd certainly look at the longer esters and increase the mast to at least 600mg. In all honesty though, any of those will suit your needs, it all depends on what you do with it though. :)

Thanks for the input! Halfwit, I'm very impatient when it comes to seeing results and such and I don't mind pinning ED or EOD. Tren Ace is my fav, have used it a lot but hate the Enanthate ester for some reason. I can feel that Tren A and Test P hit me in about a week and see changes fairly faster with short esters, hence all my short esters! :) unless I can find some way to front load the Tren which isn't a good idea... Maybe short esters mixed with long esters for a few weeks?
personally for a bulk , I'd shoot for the 12+ weeks with longer esters front loaded with short esters.

Test prop weeks 1-6
Test E - weeks 1-14
Npp - weeks 1-8
Deca - weeks 1-12

^ the above is only two compounds , Test and Nandrolone (fast acting front loaded with longer esters) . . so feel free to throw in a third compound like 600 mg of Mast or an oral along with it as well.
I'd save the Tren for cutting, recomp, contest prep, or maintenance, and go with a Nandrolone instead .

Thanks roush! Ahh NPP... One of the compounds I've never used and looked into. 19nor correct? See my thing is... If I'm running a 19nor (harsh compound) why not run Tren which is 500:500? Tren is the strongest drug, and believe it can be used to bulk and stay dry all while having a compounds 5 times stronger than all others. If I'm gonna pay big bucks, I believe Tren gives me the most bang for my buck. And yes roush, a recomp if what I'm looking for! Thank you :)
What's your cycle history?
And the rest of your stats would b helpful aswell

I've started cycling at 26... I'm 28 now. I'm 6'3" currently 221 and 10% BF. I've been 250 and 13% bf, 209 and 8% BF, 240 and 10% BF. I have a lot of fluctuations because I like to experiment a lot with diets etc etc but now I want to get more into the freaky look... Compete maybe but definitely get a gig of some sort. I have a few modeling shoots coming up:

Cycle history:
1 test

2 test Dbol

3 test Tren

4 test EQ Tren <---- my fav
Hey halfwit, there's this mix from a nice pharma that has:

Tren E 100mg
Test E 200mg
Mast E 200mg
Per 1 ML

Maybe I could get that and hit my 600 mast and 600 test E and 300 Tren E in long esters
Do Tren ace 400mg a week for the first 4 weeks while the Tren E saturates in me, giving me the quick results and benefits while the Tren E lays low... Then after the 4 week mark drop the Tren A and continue normally with my long esters which all have kicked in by then?
Cost effective too compared to the short esters cycles that gave the same mg of compounds!

I'll have some very slight Anti-E properties from the mast plus .50 Adex E2D, and prami .30mg E2D. That should keep me SOMEWHAT with low water retention along with moderate sodium intake (need the electrolytes unless I drink em)!

Will this be the winning cycle? Votes?
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Im with u E, as in I think tren while be a part of every blast i do from here on out. Its a love affair,:smooch: me & tren. What can i say...:dunno:
Hey halfwit, there's this mix from a nice pharma that has:

Tren E 100mg
Test E 200mg
Mast E 200mg
Per 1 ML

Maybe I could get that and hit my 600 mast and 600 test E and 300 Tren E in long esters
Do Tren ace 400mg a week for the first 4 weeks while the Tren E saturates in me, giving me the quick results and benefits while the Tren E lays low... Then after the 4 week mark drop the Tren A and continue normally with my long esters which all have kicked in by then?
Cost effective too compared to the short esters cycles that gave the same mg of compounds!

I'll have some very slight Anti-E properties from the mast plus .50 Adex E2D, and prami .30mg E2D. That should keep me SOMEWHAT with low water retention along with moderate sodium intake (need the electrolytes unless I drink em)!

Will this be the winning cycle? Votes?

I'm honestly not a huge fan of blends, especially ones that high in concentration. While I can see the temptation to save a lot of money this way, I can only imagine how much that is going to bite.

I've bounced back and forth between acetate and enanthate, but for the very reason that you're looking at blends, I choose long esters haha. It's just cheaper and less volume to inject.

Tren is the only AAS that I can think of that I haven't front loaded before. It frankly makes me nervous as I do get very bad mental sides at high doses, and once I cross 800mg/wk, I have to be very careful. I can only imagine being at a dose over a gram - then saturation from both esters hits... :eek:

It's because of this, that I often use an oral on big cycles as I too want to see the party started ASAP. As I'm on TRT, I don't really have to worry about test, but it's that extra little nudge that tells me I'm "on". Maybe that's worth trying too?
Halfwit, I'll actually be at my normal dose... What I mean by front loading the Tren would mean that I'll do 400 Tren Ace while having 300 Tren E in me with a total of 700... No crazy doses here lol... The problem you're saying would be what? The PIP? I'm trying to stay away from orals until my liver values get in check
Test e 250mg/week 12 weeks
Tren ace 100mg ed 12 weeks
I'm assuming you know what ancilarries and pct is needed
Good luck and keep me posted
Halfwit, I'll actually be at my normal dose... What I mean by front loading the Tren would mean that I'll do 400 Tren Ace while having 300 Tren E in me with a total of 700... No crazy doses here lol... The problem you're saying would be what? The PIP? I'm trying to stay away from orals until my liver values get in check

Ohh, I see what you're doing with the dosing. It's not perfect, but it could work.

Liver issues? You do know that tren is just as toxic as most orals, ya? I think the only injectable that's worse is winstrol (on the liver, tren also impacts kidneys), so I'd probably be hitting up the UDCA on top of NAC/Liv.52.

Yes, 500mg/ml stuff is very intense when it comes to PIP. I've had a few labs do it where it's tolerable, but you still get that "got smacked with a bat" feeling for a few days. Not crippling in some cases, but a bit on the unpleasant side.
Lmao hit with a bat. Maybe I'll drop the masteron and buy simple Tren E and Test E keeping Test at like 300-500 a week. The only reason this is complicated is cuz of the Masteron. If I buy everything separately it'll be around a couple of hundred coins more than if I buy em in a mix... Not an issue but I had a nice Nixon watch I was looking at and a few summer outfits and a trip to Vegas lmao...

Half, I'm not starting orals until I get these values down with liv52, NAC and a few antioxidant greens mix... I know Tren is hard on the liver but why make it twice as bad when I'm already on that Tren. Sorry I keep yapping I over think things when it comes to this, if I'm spending big bucks I want big results lol
Hahaha, understandable. You don't NEED the masteron, it just adds a nice icing to the cake. Test and tren will more than do the job for you. ;)
Looks like the winner is...

EQ 900
Tren E 800
Test E 500

My dog ate my roommates glasses so I just had to send him 600 total...
EQ was already on hand so it's not an expense but it look like I won't be able to do the Masteron cuz of the unexpected expense.hope I make some good gains!!
Looks like the winner is...

EQ 900
Tren E 800
Test E 500

My dog ate my roommates glasses so I just had to send him 600 total...
EQ was already on hand so it's not an expense but it look like I won't be able to do the Masteron cuz of the unexpected expense.hope I make some good gains!!

I get to ask you a question now. I like to get input from guys that enjoy EQ, as I've never personally see a reason to run it as I understand it's mostly for hunger/appetite issues.

As I can eat like a pig, and I'm ultraconservative with hematocrit - what else do you personally get out of it besides that?