Any suggestions regarding adding flavor to protein shakes ?


New member
I use a tasteless whey protein mix. What can I add to give it some flavor ? (chocolate,etc.)
Low carbs, low fat, low sugar.
Someone once suggested coco powder
Any ideas?
vailla beans. they are expensive but zero cal. Just cut open the beans and then scrape the insides. or you can try natural extract. they have it at trader joe's, no alcohol or sugar.
I mix mine with apple juice post workout---

To immediately shift metabolic mechanisms toward muscle recovery and growth, your first priority after training should be to get blood glucose and insulin levels up quickly(2). To do this, consume a dose of simple, easily digested liquid carbohydrates after training (around 0.5 of a gram per kilogram of body weight).

Other times I mix with good ole peanut butter---
bgodd1, fructose is not an ideal carb choice post workout,it replinshes liver glycogen before muscle tissues. dextrose and/or maltodextrin would be optimal.

ball22, perhaps try adding Crystal Light, different flavours. Or sugar free fat free pudding mix powder.
You can add an extract like vanilla or hazelnut to add some flavor.
If it has no sweetener in it either, you may want to add a couple of teaspoons of splenda and then add the vanilla extract.

I don't know anything but what I read and what works for me.

My last post was written by a doctor who specializes in dieting and working out. His research has taken natural bodybuilders like Skip La'cour and Jeff Willet to their championships.

The link that was porvided backs it up with resources. Take a look, I dare ya.
read it, still not convinced. their info behind the insulin spike being anabolic and such is good info. but I disagree with the juice suggsestion (fructose).
His research has taken natural bodybuilders like Skip La'cour and Jeff Willet to their championships.

Natural BBers, LMFAO:laugh: , gotta love that shit.

That article was written to sell there amazing protein powder that will turn you into a NATURAL MONSTER. Definately go with Whey and DEX/Malto post workout. This combination will not be beat.
magnusson187 & atherjen,

what are some examples of your post workout intake?

"Whey and DEX/Malto" ----What is DEX/Malto?
When bulking 120 g of dextrose, 50 g of whey isolate, 10 grams glutamine, 10 g creatine.

When cutting 60 g dextrose, 40 g whey isolate, 10 g glutamine.
bgodd1 said:
magnusson187 & atherjen,

what are some examples of your post workout intake?

"Whey and DEX/Malto" ----What is DEX/Malto?

do a search! it's in the archives!


postworkout shake: 0.4g protein/kg bodyweight of whey protein (as little fat as possible) and 0.8g/kg bodyweight dextrose immediately after training.

an hour later have something from a lean protein source.
sparklylegwarmers said:
do a search! it's in the archives!


postworkout shake: 0.4g protein/kg bodyweight of whey protein (as little fat as possible) and 0.8g/kg bodyweight dextrose immediately after training.

an hour later have something from a lean protein source.

u got it ! :D
You can always use some type of fruitjuice or frozen or fresh fruit. The combos are endless...applejuice, bananas, frozen blueberries, a mix of frozen berries is always good, etc.