Pump Juice Logging Opportunity!


Beast in the Gym
As you have hopefully already heard and seen, Muscle Research's very own Pump Juice is back and killing it! It's only been a few months since we've brought it back to the store, and we already have heard TONS of great feedback!



That's right! We want to give you a full tub of this awesome pre-workout at no cost to you!

All we're looking for in return is a simple log with a nice, final review at the end of it. And we want your honesty, too! So please, don't hold back!


If you're interested, please just include the following:

- Location (e.g. New York, California, etc.)?
- Age?
- Sex?
- Years of training experience?
- Current pre-workout?
- Previous pre-workouts used?
- Are you willing to update at least 3 times per week?

You are more than welcome to include more than that (e.g. we'd love to see if you have previous log links to share from here or any forum, if you want to include a photo, if you're willing to include photos, and anything else you may find relevant). However, those are the only things we need you to answer.

So let's get it started! We can't wait for you guys to try this out and see what kind of pumps and energy you experience!

Check out what forum members have had to say about Pump Juice:

Orange24 said:
All I can say is WOW!!!!

Last night I had an extremely long night of work. Was up really late and had to be up early to meet a client.

I was EXHAUSTED all day, then my assistant brought my my delivery I thought this would be a perfect time to use Pump Juice!!

Took 1 scoop and 20 mins later I was KICKEN!!

Hit chest and Bi's and had a phenomenal pump!! Felt awesome the whole

This works very well for me as I cannot take high stim pre workouts AT ALL. I get sick and my head feels like it's gonna explode!


Also, flavor was great. LOVE watermelon!!

Sorry for the delay! I'm 52 been working out faithfully for 10+ years. I'm old school and don't take a liking to new things. I workout before work at 3 am 5x a week. I've been drinking a cup of coffee and eating some kind of complex carb for energy pre workout for as long as I can remember. I have noticed recently that as I age my workouts were not as productive. I saw the free PJE opportunity in exchange for a log and review so I did it. First off I'm glad I did. Second this PWO changed my workouts dramatically. I want to thank the design team for job well done on this PWO. I was wide awake when I got to the gym. I breezed through my workouts and instantly noticed the pumps it gave me. I had focus and energy at the gym I hadn't had in a long time. I'm not a sweater and this gave me the sweats. A couple more things it did not make me sketchy or jumpy (only when I tried 2 scoops not good) and it just wore off with no crash. It quickly became one of my favorite MR products and will now become a staple in my arsenal.

Omg !!!guys let me tell you!!!two days in at using pump juice !!!this product is apsaloutely amazing ...one scoop before I worked out an was beading sweat ,hart racing ,very focused an ready to eat the iron pile !!!I suggest to add this stuff to ur work out shopping cart like asap!!!

Sent from my Z819L using Tapatalk

Today was back, shoulders and Bi's
used 1 scoop of the pump juice

Military press, seated rows, DB shoulder press, overhead lat pulls, one arm db rows over bench, alternating db hammer curls finished with 21's on a straight bar..

I continue to improve out of the post pct funk. I feel confident saying now that the pj is helping as a catalyst, it gives clean energy and I feel focused. Today the 21's at the end are something I started when bulking, they really accent the peak if you concentrate on raising the weight over the pinky side of the hand instead of a sloppy supinated grip. My arms looked better than I'd seen them in a couple months. Work out was 530 am its now 1 pm and the bis are painfully firm as I peck away with my two fingers..lol

best part of this is the lack of a midday crash... the feeling of PJ being in you just seems to ebb slowly away...

Bro pump juice saved my day agin I was up super late last night got 4 hrs of sleep felt lazy this morning ate breakfast took my dose and 20 min later ready to rock and roll but today was different normally I'll get about 2 hrs of motivation from it today 5 hrs later I still feel the buzz and concentration loving the product and u don't have any problem mixing it mixes instant in fact I just take the scooper and dump it in my mouth and take a drink of water and down it goes

another arm day in the books and it hasnt let up a bit. i am not adapting to this product so far at all but i also dont take it every single day either. i am also going to point out here again that it doesnt have me racing for the crapper after taking it. i have had zero issues with my stomach taking this product. just for ma i will do up some leg pics this weekend haha. we will see how pumped and smooth we can get the old wheels

Man first off I want to thank mj for the opportunity and second PJ is top natch its at Thr top of the pre workout food chain!!!!
And thanks to fitness geared community for reading along

Saved 1 serving for a road trip. Needed to do a 350 mile turn around. Waited until eyes started to close then took the pump juice and in 10 minutes I was locked into the road. Focus, reflexes, attitude all improved just ordered 4 containers. 2 each flavor.

All I can say is I'm missing my Pump, ordering today and I recommend everyone ORDERS, cause



here is a link to my review of this kick ass product! Pump Juice Extreme! ~ Body By BB2K

Update on Pump Juice intake !!!
Had a freakin great chest nite , brought to u by Pump Juice " Not Sold In Stores " !!!
I killed chest and if it wasn't because the gym was closing at 11 pm , I still would be there . I haven't felt this good in weeks , strength was out of control , focus , damnit focus was killer , my mind and muscle connection were having a sleepover tonite .
Every once in a while u come by these pre workouts that promise u pump , strength , energy , focus , vascularity , but when do u ever really find that ? Like I said every once in a while . Well it's here !!!
PJ gives me all that and I kinda want to conserve it , I don't want it to end lol . But I am more than satusfied with this product and I wonder if it works this well , what other supplements do they have that are just as good if not better !!!
Well done Guys !!!

Thursday evening I used some again and it gives my Alphamine a run for its money. This stuff def gives you tons of endurance and energy! Full body rush with tingling all over. I did high rep squats and holy hell the pump was insannnnnnnnnnnnne!

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So since craze was banned I've been chasing the dragon with pre-workouts haha. Truth is the FDA has banned the stuff that worked best for me..........however for what it is pump juice might be the best PWO I've tried in years! It does not give me that stim feeling that I was chasing:lol: however I feel that PJE has the best quality ingredients that big brother allows. All the ingredients are battle tested and scientifically proven to work. No fancy ingredients or prop blends here. One thing I will say is these are the best pumps I've received for a PWO in a long time! Also I love that it has creatine in it, and it's not the cheap shit either. All top on the line ingredients here. As for taste it's not the worst I've had or the best, but that's not what I'm after. As for mixabillity I would say it might be the best I've seen which is nice when in a hurry. I just pour water in from sink and seirl the cup and it's done. Thanks again Mr Supps and MA

Last review:

So, I've finally finished my tub of PJX. Let me start the review:

Branding: The images and text on the tub was clear and easy to read. I could, even in low light, read everything I needed (mostly the dosing size; very short memory) and nice and clear to read. The images and other print was proper and I didn't notice anything offset or anything a picky person could pick about.

Size: I feel the size of the tub could be a bit bigger. Maybe a bigger top hole to be able to put one's hand in without having to fight to get the last several scoops out. Possibly a longer handle on the scoop would help with that. (Yes, I have a large hand and it's frustrating to not be able to get my hand in to scrap up the last scoops of product. Plus, it doesn't help that I only have one-hand.. but still.) Maybe make the tub fatter, not taller. Even a half an inch or so would be better. Or again, maybe make the handle on the scoop longer.

Product: I really like how over the time of reviewing PJX, it never clumped up or anything like my others have in the past. In the South, we deal with a lot of humidity and virtually everything clumps up and I have to beat it on the counter or poke it to break it up.

Smell: From the first time I opened it until my very last scoop, it smelled the same each and every time. (Yes, I smell everything.) I've had a few products that smelled nice and sweet and by the end, it was a medicine smell.

Texture: It felt almost powdery. Wasn't micro powered or grain like feeling, but right in between there. I feel that it really helped with the mix ability of it.

Mixing: I found it to mix really well. Through testing different ounces of water and time to sit (to dissolve) there was some differences. Of course, mixing it and drinking it right away, did leave some undissolved product, but that's with everything. I timed it a few times and went from 10 seconds, after stirring for 10-15 seconds each time, to 30 seconds and there was no difference in the in the amount of dissolved product. It was dissolved completely.

Taste: FANTASTIC. No seriously. I can only thing of one other time that the flavor listed was what the product tasted like. Wonderfully done. Especially the times I tested with smaller amounts of water. It was stronger then, but not over bearable and wouldn't deter people away.

Reactions: When I would drink the product normally, it felt to take 25-30 minutes to get a feeling of it starting kick in. That's a plus as I'm 6' 6" and 350 pounds and most anything I take, pre-workout, pain meds, or anything like that, usually takes longer to start working on me. So this was excellent. My mood would start to improve (most usually I'm tired and drained from working all day) and I could feel a small flushing feeling in my face. Loved that. The times I'd mix a glass and slam it, I could feel an instant flush across my face and about 15-20 minutes later, the mood improvement would kick in.

Usage: I noticed a huge increase in concentration. This was the first thing from my first scoops to my last that I remember. My concentration was so intense, that my buddies would ask me if I was okay or pissed off at the world. I'd smile and tell them I'm just in the zone. The pump I get on the PJX just totally blew my mind. When I started out lifting, I became a powerlifter then I retired form it. The last 4+- years that is. Now that I'm doing more of a body/power building routines, the PUMP I received was insane. So much to the point, I thought my bicep repair was going to pop off. Leg day, huge pumps, back day, huge pumps, and everyday whatever body part, huge pumps. Energy out the roof. As I mentioned earlier, I would work 10+- hours a day (yes at the desk, but I was mentally drained everyday plus my other life issues) and had to force myself to go to the gym. One dosage of PJX and I was ready to go. Kept me going throughout the entire 2+ hour leg day or the 45min-1 hour chest day. Nice and clean energy that came on, kicked in and slowly tapered off. No huge crash at the end.

Sleep: I think that this was one of the the few main reasons I love PJX. With many other pre-workouts, I'd take it before 8PM, go workout for a couple of hours. When I get home, I'd eat, shower, and go to bed. I'd literally lay there for another 2-3 hours with my mind racing. Almost to the point that I'd like to go back to the gym and try to wear myself out. With PJX, I would take it just before 8PM and go to the gym. I'd finish by 9:30PM and head home. Eat, shower, and go to bed. So by 2.5 hours later, I had absolutely no issue falling asleep within 15 minutes. *mind blown* SOLD

I usually can't leave until I get the boys bathed and in bed at 8PM. So this is a lifer saver for myself. Getting up at 5AM and rushing through the day and then wanting to workout that night was tough. PJX really helped me with this. I regret that I'm out now and I can't quite get a new order in, but when I do, I'm looking to by several tubs.

Overall: Love the PJX. It's product that delivers what it says it's going to deliver and delivered something it didn't even mention. Being able to go to sleep without issue only after a few hours of taking it, is literally a life saver. I'd recommend this to anyone that has a tougher job than my desk job and need to be able to get to bed and asleep at a "reasonable" time. I've recommended it to several people, will continue to do so.

Huge thanks to MrSupps and MA for allowing me to review the product. I tried to cover everything that came to mind and I'm honest about it. If it was crap, I'd say it was crap. If it's awesome, well..... it's awesome.
Ok guys been little busy past few days with the kids on spring break. Today was first day back in the gym. Didn't have any Powerade so went with the water and 1 scoop of PJE 30 min before my workout. Still loving the flavor of this pre workout, it mixes very easy. I had a long session in the gym today. Mainly due to the extra cardio I decided to throw in to start to get ready for summer. I had focus and concentration throughout my work out. It was like I had never taken a day off from the gym. I haven't seemed to acquire any kind of tolerance to this pre workout at all. I have been hitting gym hard and feels great. Wanna thank MuscleAddiction and Muscle Research for this opportunity to give this excellent product a try. Sad part is I am starting to run out of PJE. I am getting down to about my last 5-8 scoops. I need to order another one so when this one runs out I am g2g.

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Almost down to last few scoops sadly this is definitely one of the best pre workouts I've ever used. Every workout I Felt was worked at my full potential and focus without any problems such as bloating and nausea. Overall I'm very pleased with this product I would recommend and buy it myself I'm very happy and thankful to of gotten the opportunity to sample such an excellent product.
Sorry for lack of update!

Friday ay me pwo junkie #1 and 2 all got together and had another throw down... This time was more of boot camp style with some strongman in the mix which I didn't do as my back couldn't handle it...

Me: took PJ 30 mins before.. Been adding some extra beta alanine lately as I love the tingles.. Kick in good taste is still good haven't got tired of it. Workout was great! Felt pumped and good energy, didn't stop moving, sweated my balls off and had a awesome workout....

Preworkout junkie #1: finally got second dose... Gave him scoop n a half?.. Said" taste damn good I'll tell you that" a few mins in... This time around said energy lasted a lot longer, shoulders and forearms were very pumped with all the carrying stuff we did. Overall he was impressed and said he would consider buying and would recommend..

preworkout junkie #2: took a scoop n half 5 mins before hand. Came late.. He loves the taste, this time he came out hard was really kickin ass and then he started complaining about his back pumps.. He still on dbol.. Sat out for awhile Bitchn n moaning lol and then got back into for awhile then stopped again. Took a break and just went and did some squats.. Said he had energy to burn.. He won't be taking any more of mine, as he has his own on the way. As u can say I got him hooked on it lol...

Ps....... I didn't updates as I was Mia this weekend... Had to drive 12 hours for family reunion.. And 12 hours back.... Instead of drinking an energy drink I took a half scoop of this while trying to stay up, this really helped me focus and keep me eyes on the road. I was up for almost 24 hours and got there at 5 In the morning thanks to PJ....
Ok so I use up the last of my pump juice extreme last night. It came out to about 1.5 scoops.

Leg day. Bottom line is I was feeling quite a nice pump just from heavy squats which doesn't usually happen. I don't typically feel the pump until I do some leg presses. So that was nice.

I saved this until leg day because that's when I need the boost most. The energy keeps me going.

After squats and straight leg dead lifts I hit the leg press for 4 sets with 4 drop sets each. You know I was feeling that. It always takes that extra energy and focus to help me get through those drop sets. so the preworkout really helps with that.
I was pretty taxed after leg presses but you know while I'm focused and in the zone I'm not stopping there. So the workout kept going and pump stuck around the whole time.

So with this being my last post I wanted to give kind of a final rating in my own opinion.

Taste-4.5/5 I only took off a half point because as good as it tastes it still tends to get a little old as does most things.

Effect on stomach- 5/5 never had any issues with stomach or nausea at all.

Effectiveness of 1 serving- 4.5/5 I believe that 1 scoop worked great. I only dropped half a point because I enjoyed two scoops even more.

Burst of energy-3/5 pump juice provides nice energy but it doesn't begin as a large burst.

Length of energy- 5/5 the energy is subtle but nearly perfect and lasts what seems forever.

Pump- 4/5 the pump is certainly great with this product. Had I not had products that have provided even more pump then I would've given a 5. But I am not Without satisfaction by any means.

Focus-5/5 I had a feeling of serious focus once I got started after using pump juice.

So I'd say the overall rating is about 4.5/5 for the pump juice extreme. I consider that a great rating and the product certainly worth buying.

Thank you again for the opportunity to try this preworkout. I enjoyed using it and also enjoyed logging my experience.
Now today was the first test and i can say that i was a bit surprised to get a kick out of one scoop for my workout.The product mixes well and has a great taste..not too tarte as alot of cherry flavors are unberable for me and i did not experience the crash some P/W would give me.My (stim Receptors)if there is such a thing are nice and clean to give this product a fair review for the next four weeks as i have been off caffiene and all preworkouts for a good while now.

I will give more thoughts and details on ingredients induvidually but today id say as a whole one scoop got me through my battle.
Mr supps, pump juice extreme has not disappointed.
Cherry berry explosion is pretty good. I mix it with about 6-8oz. Of water. And within 30minutes im ready to go..
Over time the intensity hasnt diminished. You get the same intense focus and tunnel vision you got from day 1.
Energy is sustained throughout your workout. I never found myself lacking in energy. Or fizzling out before i was done. There was always plenty of gas left in the tank.
What i really like is you do not get that cracked out feeling you get from some preworkout. No shakes. Nice and smooth, consistant energy. No crash either.. to me this is huge.

Mixing it gets a little frothy. Also, you will have some ingredients in the bottom. But it is expected. With the ingredientz. Beta-alinine, being one of them... this isnt a complaint for me, just wanna make sure i cover all basis. The pumps are pretty noticeable as well. I do alot of high volume , high rep , supersets and dropsets. Buy my second and third set my arms are bursting at the seems. .. for anyone who hasnt tried this preworkout.
You need to give it a try.. its not loaded down with stims, but you feel great , very upbeat and full of energy.. again i cant stress enough you dont get that cracked out feeling.. its a nice smooth energy, clean.
I hope this little review does pump juice extreme justice..
This is one you need to try.. i will be getting more. So consider this review 1. Thanks again mr supps, and everyone who allowed me to sample this great preworkout. I still have a few doses left. And i will continue to log here. Juat wanted to give everyone a little review to date. Thanks again. Mace
So, Pump Juice is amazing! :headbang:

I think mixing the creatine is effective. Feeling nice fullness now longer after my workouts, I suppose this is due to the creatine effects keeping me properly hydrated.

Pumps are still very good, take my dose wait about 20 minutes and head to the gym, at the gym 10 minutes later and I start to feel the prickly feeling about 5 minutes into my warm ups, then its GO TIME!!

Still have to make myself not over train and combined with the Beastdrol, my strength is noticeably increased so I really wanna just keep lifting. But at my age, not overtraining is even more important!

I am interested in trying the other flavor, maybe would not have to tweak it to my liking, but that is not really a hard thing to do. I did try it with Gatorade Wild Berry and now that is my favorite way to kick up the flavor.

Overall, rating 5 stars!! Excellent product and I am a fan for sure!
Things are going good...when I saw the transformation contest come up I immediately switched gears and stopped cutting. I started eating anything I desired....pumps are great when you eat like that lol all those carbs getting shuttled around. Have gained about 15 pounds since...will resume the cut after posting before pics for the contest.

Pump juice is good stuff all the way around...tastes good, not too stimmy, and the pump is fantastic.
Prep is kicking ass and pump juice is friggin phenomenal. I have a cache of pre workouts I rotate through and PJ is definitely my favorite!

8 weeks out now!
Time to post again. Felt like crap the last few days. Just got back into the gym. When I first tried Mr. Hyde, I thought , I had found the Holy Grail of all pre-workouts. At some point you need a break from the stimmed out of your skin feeling that you get with Mr. Hyde. Pump Juice delivers everything with out the jitters. Pump juice extreme can replace Mr. Hyde any day of the week.:headbang :Peace.
I do like it
I have used it everyday since receiving as a pre workout
the flavor is good and I only have to use like an oz of water which I really like

feels strong, constant stable
usually about 20 min before is just right
I trained chest and tri-ceps today after using pump juice extreme for the 2nd time. I trained my gf for 30 mins which negatively effected my workout. It wasn't planned but she needed help and after about 4 months I finally actually helped her :D Anyway I had about 50 mins to train and I really got into it. The pump was incredible... this is reason alone for me to recommend this. I had a nice energy boost and no crash. I didn't have long to train tri-ceps but the pump is literally ridiculous. This could be the best pump product I have ever taken. Others are the matrix no pump xtreme, gaspari superpump 250 (original) and nitro nox pro. It's been a while since I have used any of those but this is literally with those 3 in the top 4 of pre workout pump products I have ever used (I have tried loads). I could barely shower myself at the end :D

Next will be back, bi-ceps and forearms so that should be fun :)
For me little is better. Its sweeter. So I mix it in about 6oz water. Doesn't take much stirring to mix it up. Never had clumps. Also, 20 mins bf workout instead of recommended 30. I started with 30 on Mon and already started feeling it bf I even left for gym. It still working in me about hour post workout or let's just say about up to 2,5hrs after consumed. Very pleased and will be ordering more here in few days to keep in stock...
Took the pump juice again on Friday and one thing I really noticed was the mind muscle connection I completely concentrate on the muscle group that I'm working I also am starting to get pumps now especially on arm day
Sorry for the delay as work got me slammed lately. Been to the gym today and the Pump Juice I have been getting decent results these past few gym sessions even though I was pressed for time.

Pumps still are pretty darn good and haven't built up a tolerance so that's a good sign.

Also, if you're interested in trying out our B-Drol or Katanadrol, keep your eyes peeled! We'll have more log opportunities popping up for that very soon (and we'll link it in here, too).
We are throwing it out there again guys, for those of you here who haven't tried it I suggest you do, this is my go to PWO, and yes not just because I work for MR but because it really kicks ass!!! We are giving you a FREE months supply so you can test drive it, we even cover the shipping...free brothers...FREE!!! Just type up a nice log and review of your experience with it...good or bad, but I promise it won't be bad ;).
This is a great opportunity guys! we just got finished running a round of pump juice loggers and the feedback was outstanding.Easy chance for a free product for your opinion on a very popular product .
Ok, let's make sure we are all clear on this offer...




All you have to do is log your experience while using PJX...simple!!!

Seriously no takers so far???
Maybe I can take it? I'm doing a log for psl cialis , I'll add this to the log as well.

Hit me with your shipping info and as long as you're cool with the above requirements (including starting a separate log for this -- you can copy/paste as needed, though), let's do it!
Alright ill make a separate log for thi. Thanks.

Good stuff, man.

Shoot me or hurricane your shipping info and we can get this sent out (I'll be gone the next 3 days or so, so if you want a quicker response, hit him up, otherwise I'll get to it at the start of next week).
anyone interested in logging pump juice please step up or send me a pm. mwb will be gone for awhile for personal reasons, so dont hesitate to contact me or ask away in here and ill be sure to respond
Is it too late for this

not at all bro. if you can provide a log updated atleast 2 times a week, preferably 3. with a final review of the product at the finishing of it. you are more then welcome to log for us. send me your shipping into, if this interests you and ill get you hooked up brother.
Ok so far i think we have had amazing logging candiates volunteer and be picked to log!

So far we have

There are still more spots open! Anyone interested shoot me a pm, thats the best way.
All that is needed,is a log put up about our product, have it updated 2-3 times a week till product finishes and then post a final honest review at the end of the log of our product.Simple as pie guys... it doesnt get any easier then that
Bunch of logs are starting to go up on various board, but this offer still stands for now, if anyone else is interested in logging pump juice, post in here or pm me.Soon we will be moving on to new logs