Any tips for my next cycle? New to the forum, not new to gear.


New member
Hey guys please forgive me but this is my first time posting on this forum and I'm interested to see what tips you guys have on my next cycle.
Some stats
-21 years old (young I know but I started at 17, which is also stupid I know but I have been around the block and have some experience under my belt)
- 210 pounds
-eat like a horse aiming for 8000 calories a day, 400 g of protein
-creatine, bcaa's, glutamine, and a complex carb supplement.

As for the gear...
So I was gonna run
12 weeks
Test C 500/w
Tren E 400/w
Anadrol 50mg first 2 weeks and up it to 100mg for another 4 weeks

But... My supplier has good shit but its always something getting it. So instead of what i wanted i got the adrol, test cyp, and a blend called megacuts, which has masteron 100mg, test prop 125mg, Tren Ace 100mg.

I have lots for experience with tren but have never took masteron. Was hoping for a bulking cycle, but i guess thats in the diet.
So now I am running
Test C 500/w
Androl same as before
Tren 300/w
Masteron 300/w
Test Prop 375/w

Have Armidex and caber on hand and Nolva and clomid for PCT

Thanks guys, Any suggestions would be great
holy crap there are so may red flags here.. stay away from gear brother..

8000 calories?? really?? u wanna show me what a 8000 calorie diet looks like??
holy crap there are so may red flags here.. stay away from gear brother..

8000 calories?? really?? u wanna show me what a 8000 calorie diet looks like??

8000 cal is what caught my eye the most, I knew 3j would say something.
Probably doesn't realize what 8000 cal worth of food is lol
Well guys I'm drinking weight gainer thats 1500 calories each and i hit that 3 to 4 times a day on top of about 4 regular meals a day. No Im hitting about 8000 a day. Im not making anything up here guys. This is my 6th cycle. I am not new to any of the compounds accept masteron. I know its not ideal but this is what I got instead so I am looking for some opinions on how I should do this. I know my shit pretty well Im just not sure how to run it now that I have 2 different tests in the cycle. I have done sust and didn't like it as much as cyp so Im trying to figure out the best way to do this and keep my blood levels constant.

Any actual helpful information would help greatly. Thanks
How tall are you?
What's your bf%?

You should be eating 6-7 meals per day instead of 4
Whole foods will always be better than a weight gainer shake.
If you have enough room for the shakes then you have enough room for more food instead
Im 5'10
12% body fat last time I had it measured about 3 weeks ago.

And yeah man I know I really should be eating like that. I work 12-9 every single day so its kinda hard its really hard for me to eat at work. i usually bring a couple sandwiches and a shake to work. Trying to figure out where I can pound food in but don't wanna piss my boss off to bad.
You are right though I do need more food. I know for sure I do want the protein intake from it, so Enthusiast do you think I should be eating around 6 meals a day plus the 4 shakes. I have just started the cycle and have been off for about 8 months now so hoping my appetite goes up even more
8000 Calories a day is way too much for someone 210 lbs, even if you're trying to bulk, unless you're trying to put on a shit ton of fat along with some muscle. "Weight Gainers", are traditionally absolute shit. I would stop taking that, get on a diet primarily based from whole foods, with supplementation of protein/carb shakes when it makes sense due to limited time, post work out, etc. I still wouldn't use those weight gainers for that. It's most likely a bunch of junk carbs that will just make you fat.

In my opinion you should be adding HCG to your cycle, and no, it's not for PCT.

What's your goal with this cycle, because other than the Anadrol it looks like a cutting cycle. Also, why are you throwing Test, on top of Test? I understand that one is a longer ester than the other, but that doesn't quite make sense to me. The way you detailed the cycle you'll be taking 875mg of Test a week. That's a lot of Test. You'd really have to keep an eye on e2 to prevent the negative side effects of estrogen (including gyno).

I've never used Masteron myself, however, everything I've read says it typically causes a lot of hair loss. So, are you cool with thinning, or balding in your early 20's? You could already be causing that with Test, but the Masteron will most likely enhance that.

Have you ever checked your Test levels, a minimum of 8 weeks post PCT? You're 21, and it would be a real good idea to know what your natty levels are right now since you started cycling at 17. You started cycling before you fully developed, hell, your system still hasn't really fully developed. If I were you I'd want to know where I stand, because you've most likely caused damage. Unless of course you have REALLY good genetics. It happens, but it's the exception, not the rule. I hope you like needles, because TRT is most likely in your near future.
In terms of specific diet advice I would refer to 3j, he has reasonably priced meal plans that can really be tailored to each individual. I would start there and really get your diet on point first.

5'10 @ 210 and 12 % is easily attainable completely natural, if you've been cycling for 4 years and are only at those stats then your diet needs a complete overhaul.

After that then I would consider gear after you hit a much higher plateau

Edit: ps: 3j Sig even says 80% diet 15% training and 5% gear
That shows you where your success will come from.
Thank you Havasu.
So pretty much what happened was my supplier I've gone to for years, wasn't able to get the tren e so got me the megacuts instead that i listed above. Asshole I know. I have ran test c tren e and anadrol before with amazing results. Packed on 20 pounds solid after the water retention from the drol went away. Thats pretty much what I'm asking. I would not want to do the two test compounds if i had a choice. but with my resources and my wallet this is what I'm stuck with so I'm trying to figure out the best way for me to do this. My supplier and i have already talked about getting the hcg so hopefully that happens soon. Not trying to boast but i really do have some damn good genetics. My dads a natural monster and so are both of my grandfathers. It deffinitely got passed to me.

Ive ran 1000mg of test before and was just fine. The only thing that ever shut me down was deca and I was being stupid about it.

But you probably are right when it comes to the calorie intake and cutting out the fat.

See this is why I came here! haha
And I have regular blood work done to check a tumor I had in my leg from becoming cancerous, I haven't looked into it that hard but the only thing the doctor said was abnormal was my high test level (go figure).

Im sure I have fucked something up using gear that early. However I took this medication for my tumor that closed up all my growth plates that made me sick as fuck so I wasn't really worried about stunting my growth. Im sure something is a little off but i have done a proper pct every time with very minimal sides.

So really I am just looking at the best way to run this cycle with the gear i have. If it was the shit i was supposed to get then I wouldn't be having this issue. Thanks any helps appreciated
And enthusiast those stats are what I am at now. not my goal. I would like to get to 230 10% body fat. Ive been off for 8 months so that is my natural size. Benching 425, squat 650
I would lower your Test C levels if it were me, but hey if you feel you can run a gram and be fine, more power to you. I also agree with Enthusiast that you need to get your diet in check. I'm not an expert, but with the info you provided, it isn't.

By the way, by good genetics I didn't mean physical attributes. I meant the ability for your system to recover after aas. Some people can not run cycles the proper way for YEARS, and always recover to their natural ability without a sweat. Some people run one cycle and are screwed forever, and have to be on TRT. It has nothing to do with your natural size, or natural ability to put on muscle to begin with.
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Okay. So drop my fat intake from the shakes. As far as food goes I honestly am only eating rice chicken baked potatoes and a salad and steak here and there. But thank you for the advice on the weight gainer I will stay away from that
And enthusiast those stats are what I am at now. not my goal. I would like to get to 230 10% body fat. Ive been off for 8 months so that is my natural size. Benching 425, squat 650

I never said that was your goal, what I was pointing out is your diet needs some work because you could've gotten to where you are now without gear quite easily. If you could've done that without gear then your diet would've been great already and put you in a fantastic spot to begin using gear now as a stepping stone to further achieve your goals.

My only point is your diet needs work to get better effectiveness from your gear, you should talk to 3j and consider a diet from him as I think it would be a huge benefit. And frankly if you can afford gear then his diet plans are exceedingly affordable.
dude protein shakes are good but you need the beef bro, real protein. 400 grams of protein per day is what caught my eye. mix it up with beans, poultry, beef,turkey, fish and cheese it up and go for real calories too.
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Oh okay I gotcha man. And okay cool thank you for that then. Ill definitely hit him up and see what he has to say. Thank you
Does ANYONE have any advice on how to run the gear I have? haha thats what Im looking for here guys, even though I do thank you for the diet input
You only have 2 compounds essentially, if you want to run the one with tren in it at that done then you only have 3 options a) lower the test c dose b) leave it the same since you day you've ran 1g test no problem c) drop the test c and run the blend higher.
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Ah okay. Im just worried about my blood levels staying consistent. If I did the test prop one EOD and cyp 2 a week would they stay consistent or just be all over the fucking place?