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  • Hi,

    Are you looking for the best quality products and best US Domestic service? - choose Swpeptides
    We offer peptides, Clen 98%, 99% HGH, HCG, Sarms and Steroids raw,liquids and tablets.
    I understand that maybe you have a long cooperated supplier now, kindly give us an opportunity to be your back up supplier for one more option.
    Waiting for your reply soon!

    Jessica (Sales Manager)
    WhatsApp: +852-62267314
    i am interested in getting a diet made for me please pm me with details of what u can do and prices etc. Thanks
    really interested in starting you really make sense. really need to diet and want to build and get cut up please help and let me know whats the right thing to do. thanks
    Hey do you think you can help me with a cutting diet
    Age 27
    230 lbs
    Height 5'7"(68")
    Bmr 22%
    I am on a German volume training routine 5 days a week
    Also I was about 13% bf about 4months ago but after ied explosions in Afghanistan I'm recovering from ankle reconstructive surgery so I can't do cardio but on leg days I do only leg extensions and leg curls, I guess I could do some bicycle
    Is there any way you could help me lose a lot of fat as fast as possible I'll do before and after pics and post them to give u credit
    Also how long should I cycle each day and if u require any moony just let me know
    Hey I think Id like your help w diet.. can you send me costs and any info...Thanks Eric
    Hope you don't mind but I am pushing the nutrition/food and training Natty thing around here ;-)
    Can you please let me know if this is any good of a diet??

    My goal is to get as lean and as ripped as i can in 3-4 months. Want that ripped look.

    Thanks for any info

    Age: 29
    Weight: 195lbs.
    Height: 5***8217;10
    BF: 19%
    Goals: To slim down and get ripped.

    BMR: 1972.65
    TDEE: 2712


    8am: Oatmeal, made with milk 12/32/6/235
    2 eggs, fried 12/.1/13.5/175

    11am: 1 apple 2/19/.2/72
    1 tbs almond butter 2.4/3/9.5/101

    2pm: Chicken Breast 6oz. 50/0/13/332
    ½ cup of Brown rice 7/71/2.7/342
    1 cup of vegetables 5/23/3.9/147

    4pm: 1 apple 2/19/.2/72
    1 tbs almond butter 2.4/3/9.5/101

    7pm: Chicken Breast 6oz. 50/0/13/332
    ½ cup of Brown rice 7/71/2.7/342
    1 cup of vegetables 5/23/3.9/147

    9pm: Bio Protein 18/2/3/110

    Total: 2,407 calories, 72 fat, 266 carbs, 171 protein

    total lean body mass is 157.95


    Cardio 5-6 times a day for 45 medium intensity first thing in the morning
    Weights: Will be high intensity 3-4 times a day, cross fit style of workouts
    3J besides diet can you also help plan cardio and strength traing or atleast some advice? How about advice for us HRT guys that may be using peps and HGH? I feel like one dude with knowledge could help me tie all this together. I am doing ok but it's time to streamline. Are you my man brother?
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