Anyone have results using injectible primo ace?

Primo is one of my favorite compounds . when I'm not running a huge massing blast , i cruise on primo with my TRT . great all around compound, the cleanest, fewest sides compound I've ever ran . thats why i feel i can run it long term on/with my TRT .

of course in bodybuilding it has its place mainly as a contest prep drug , as its one of the most anti-catabolic compounds as regards to maintaining muscle while in a hypo- caloric diet.

whats your goal and purpose of wanting to run it ? mg per mg, its one of the priciest steroids out there
primo ace is best for lower dose daily injections, like 50mg a day. steady blood levels, or for shorter runs going into contest prep. Primo depot or primo e is the same exact thing other then takes a bit longer to kick in with longer half life and you can get by with bi weekly injections.
next time i run primo i'll be running primo ace for the first 5-8 weeks along side primo depot, then use the primo depot to carry me the rest of the way through the 20+ weeks or so i decide to run it.

or if you want to do a shorter 10 week run of primo , then go with primo ace. say for example if you were doing a 10 week cut.
Dont do primo unless you got deep pockets everyone says it takes 800-1000mg ew to really shine and thats pretty damn expensive and you have a high risk of getting fake or underdosed primo
Can it be run 50 every other day or should it really be 50 daily?

if you go EOD then you need to run 100mg Eod at a bare minimum , and thats more a 'cruise' dosage with TRT, then it is a cycle dosage.
i find that 600mg a week is just right , and NO sides for me what-so-ever .
What about hair loss? Some say it's bad but they are probably getting mast

people always say that about DHT derived steroids , but dht derived does not mean its actually DHT . its person dependent , Tren is not dht steroid and it will shed hair on plenty of people. same with test.

i've ran a shit load of masteron and primo with no issues . the only time I've had a bit of hair loss was on a high testosterone and deca cycle
Dont do primo unless you got deep pockets everyone says it takes 800-1000mg ew to really shine and thats pretty damn expensive and you have a high risk of getting fake or underdosed primo

funny thing is , your average 'Sarm' on a month to month basis is more expensive then primo , and guys buy that stuff left and right. also , mg per mg , primo is about 1/100th the price of IGF1 . yet guys are buying igf1 peptides all the time now

same with var , the cheapest Sarm out there , osta, is the same price as VAR , and var is touted as being the most expensive oral.

just putting it in perspective . real steroids aren't really all that expensive compared to lots of other stuff in bodybuilding
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Oh never mind i get my tren for half that price lol i guess when you break it down but i cant justify paying for a primo cycle up front maybe if they gsve it to me in weekly payments it be ok lol

it does not put on a ton of muscle, so its really hard to justify the cost when your blasting . BUT when your 'cruising' and want a super clean compound that makes you feel great (unlike the lethargic toxic feeling of blasting) then Primo is my personal favorite choice.
you don't even feel like your on anything heavy , other then continue to make slow steady gains.

for a lot of newbs though , they like that 'on' feeling . after you get a dozen cycles under your belt though, you really only like that 'on' gear feeling when your in the gym , not when you laying in bed trying to go to sleep . thats the benefit of primo, its just in the background doing its thing and you don't notice it unless your in the gym , or unless you run it for 4 months and keep track of the mirror.

but yeah its nothing like tren ace , after only a week of pinning you start to notice more hardness. not going to happen with primo (unless your were dieted down to 5% bf ready to get on stage)