anyone pin with 21g syringes

What would be the point? The thickest gear I have run could be drawn with a 23ga.
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Buddy I was with in Mexico pinned some sust that came in the syringe.came with a 20g needle attached.said it wasn't that bad then he couldn't walk for 2 days lol. He had no business touching gear so I'm happy because it deterred him for life smit said what's the point? I use 25g
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I used a 21g needle as a last resort once, next time I will be missing an injection because it simply is too big a needle to be jabbing into a muscle.. The cork lasted 10 days and even after it was gone doing anything where my gluteus were a secondary muscle I was In pain..
Also dr told me the bigger the needle over time the more scar tissue build up and no one wants that.
Wether you can or can't I see no reason you to do it if you can get thinner pins. Its not worth the scar tissue.
I used 23g all day now. first cycle i made the mistake of shooting with my 18g draw needle.... not fun at all. Painful for about a week, swollen, hot to the touch and loss of mobility to the point I could not even get a real workout in. Just spen the $20 and get 100 23g needles. great investment