Applying moisturiser with testosterone gel?


New member
Hey guys,

I find my test gel irritates my skin and am trying to find an effective moisturising protocol. Problem is that there's so much contradiction around the best time to apply it to prevent it damaging the gel's effectiveness.

The well respected Dr Cristler said:

"Absorption is improved, especially in the dry winter months, if a good emollient is applied to the skin, about twelve hours off from the TD application. The oily skin lotion would otherwise form a barrier against absorption of the gel-base testosterone. Water and oil don’t mix."

However, he is contradicted by the study which showed that applying lotion one hour after the gel improved absorption by up to 13%. To confuse matters, many people apply it at the same time as the gel, claiming (anecdotally) that it helps absorption. But I also read another account from a guy whose doctor advised that there was a good reason why they waited an hour in the study.

Currently, I apply the gel and let it dry whilst I eat breakfast. It would be a massive pain to get up an hour earlier to let the gel sit for an hour before applying lotion, because I already get up at 6am. Going to bed earlier isn't really an option either as my girlfriend often doesn't get in till just after 10pm.

I was thinking of applying it 30 mins after the gel, by which time it is definitely dry to the touch. Problem is, most people don't realise that many moisturisers actually work by sealing in moisture and preventing it from escaping from the skin - this could also create a barrier against test absorption I speculate.
Can't hurt the hell isnt very effective. Anything you can do to improve it sounds good to me. Just be carefull of transferring it to any women you may com I contact with. My AC died here and I'm sweating out the lotion I put on. Be careful. The truth is injections are easier and provide a more consistent level in the body and cost is cheaper.
Yeah, I'm considering injections. Thing is, the gel is supposed be better for sex drive as it converts DHT in the transdermal layer or something. And also bypasses the liver (although not sure that makes much differenc). There's also the benefit of not having levels crash in the week before the booster as so many people report with Nebido. I was also not keen on waiting months for my levels to 'build up' as with Nebido.

My doc did mention that he'd be happy for me to self inject and mentioned sustanon as one of the slow acting ethers.

How does sustanon compare to Nebido? I'm guessing a large factor would be how regular I could inject sustanon - i.e. weekly compared to monthly.