Arimidex Estrogen Rebound????


New member
As I understand Arimidex Blocks The Estrogen and when coming off can cause a Rebound of estrogen, is there a way to avoid this?
Wouldn't you want a rebound of estrogen to some degree anyways?
Unless you mean when coming off your worried about an excessive spike of estrogen above normal levels
As I understand Arimidex Blocks The Estrogen and when coming off can cause a Rebound of estrogen, is there a way to avoid this?

It doesn't "block" estradiol, it simply binds to aromatase to prevent NEW estradiol from being generated (well, less) . As adex is non-suicidal, this binding isn't permanent, and upon stopping the drug - more estradiol is able to be created. This is why some prefer aromasin/exemestane as it is permanently bound to the aromatase.

As long as you keep your estradiol at good levels during the cycle, you shouldn't see a HUGE spike, but there will be one. For guys that are more sensitive to estradiol, this may cause a breakout of acne or mood swings temporarily. This is also why it's often recommended to run the AI up to PCT quite often; minimizing the spikes in hormones as testosterone decreases.

You can run aromasin if truly worried, or if gyno prone, a mild dose of nolva can help. Either way, it should be temporary and you should recover fine with all things being equal. (I'm not saying recovery is guaranteed, but that recovery from elevated estradiol is likely)

My .02c :)
Thanks Guys and this is Hypothetical , Im Looking at doing a first cycle of 500 MG of Test per week,
25 years old, 6 foot 205 lbs, and my source only has 25mg of aromosin capsules, that that being such A high dose figure I should got with DEx