arimidex is it fake?? help


New member
Hello I bought adex yesterday and my guy claims it's real that he uses it. I trust him because I've bought from him got a while so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. The problem is that the pills don't come with any markings except for a straight line in the middle of the pill. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
If you don't trust your source you shouldn't use them. You could always order from RUI -- at least have a backup in case yours is fake. Their banner ad is at the top of your screen.
rui is gtg. Make sure your address/order info is exact though (as it would appear on credit card statement) or it will not go through.....there very touchy with security.
Arimidex can come in many forms,, capsules, pills, liquid.. If it's UGL they can make it however they want. Heck you can prob get in powder form and snort a .25 mg line if you wanted.

I wouldn't get caught up with the "looks" of gear now a days.. I think we are a long way removed from the days of just pharmacy stuff being out on the black market.
Heck you can even have a lab custom make you your own blend of esters
I don't think I've ever seen a pill, arimidex or otherwise saying what it was. Some have NDC codes if they're controlled, but I have plenty of white pills with a score on top - ranging from vitamin C to hydrochlorothiazide.

If you want to be sure, get a blood test 4 weeks in (you got a pre-cycle test, right?), which will not only verify the legitimacy of your test, but that of your AI as well.

My .02c :)
Arimidex can come in many forms,, capsules, pills, liquid.. If it's UGL they can make it however they want. Heck you can prob get in powder form and snort a .25 mg line if you wanted.

For when you want that rush of aromatase inhibition, rack it up!

But yeah, looks are not by to go by on with a lot of tablets. Some are distinctly a certain product, ie Pink Thai Dbols...whereas my pharmacy Adex is a small white will that says A1 with no scorline. Could be Asprin 1mg for all I know. In this case, it boils down to the source. If it atleast hard some marking on it it may help identify it. Either go with shit you can trust or not at all (RC grade, go for RUI, or get it in a blister pack or from a UGL atleast that has it labeled and sealed)
Arimidex can come in many forms,, capsules, pills, liquid.. If it's UGL they can make it however they want. Heck you can prob get in powder form and snort a .25 mg line if you

Man there are a few stuff shirt prudes on this site aren't there.

To the dude who neg repped me for this because "snort" is a bad word and "kids visit this site"-

First off) grab a dictionary and go look up the word "hyperbole"-- it's when someone exaggerates in order to bring about a strong impression in making ones point.. That's clearly what I was doing.
So go ahead and get your panties out of that bunch.

Second) "snort" - really this is that offensive of a term and can't dare be mentioned on a public forum. Really? Are you that naive? Snorting has been a form of consuming certain types of meds for thousands of years. How is it any worse then injecting or swallowing., guess your only educated to the point of what you've seen in Hollywood movies.

Third) kids on the forum that my point may have negatively influenced.. Your kidding right, just because you don't know what hyperbole is, my 12 year old daughter does. Your assuming that kids are stupid and can't understand an exaggerated point. Do you really think 6 year olds read these posts?

Fourth) this is an open forum where everyone is discussing illegally purchasing class three drugs and how to properly take these illegal substances... Yet the word "snort" is some how a big deal!? GTFO
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If you don't trust your source you shouldn't use them. You could always order from RUI -- at least have a backup in case yours is fake. Their banner ad is at the top of your screen.

Just order from RUI and you will know it's right on. Why go else ware when it's right here. :dunno:
Man there are a few stuff shirt prudes on this site aren't there.

To the dude who neg repped me for this because "snort" is a bad word and "kids visit this site"-

First off) grab a dictionary and go look up the word "hyperbole"-- it's when someone exaggerates in order to bring about a strong impression in making ones point.. That's clearly what I was doing.
So go ahead and get your panties out of that bunch.

Second) "snort" - really this is that offensive of a term and can't dare be mentioned on a public forum. Really? Are you that naive? Snorting has been a form of consuming certain types of meds for thousands of years. How is it any worse then injecting or swallowing., guess your only educated to the point of what you've seen in Hollywood movies.

Third) kids on the forum that my point may have negatively influenced.. Your kidding right, just because you don't know what hyperbole is, my 12 year old daughter does. Your assuming that kids are stupid and can't understand an exaggerated point. Do you really think 6 year olds read these posts?

Fourth) this is an open forum where everyone is discussing illegally purchasing class three drugs and how to properly take these illegal substances... Yet the word "snort" is some how a big deal!? GTFO

Someone's just jealous of your harem, I know I am!

By the way, this site requires that the viewer be 18 or older - if they're under 18, that falls on their parents for not supervising their internet use.
I'm running test e at 500 mg a week currently on week 6 and was using nolvadex at first. And no to your second question Megatron
I'm running test e at 500 mg a week currently on week 6 and was using nolvadex at first. And no to your second question Megatron

I would start the Adex at .25mg EOD. Get blood work in two week and see where you E2 is at. Adjust dosage based on your E2 result.
I'm going to do 1mg eod because I got a hard object under my left nipple it doesn't really hurt. I'm only going to do 1mg for a week to control the lump and hopefully get rid of it
I'm going to do 1mg eod because I got a hard object under my left nipple it doesn't really hurt. I'm only going to do 1mg for a week to control the lump and hopefully get rid of it

So I'm guessing you had already started your cycle before receiving your AI,, correct.
That's why your estrogen is high and you now have a lump.. If your developing Gyno because you didn't run your AI at the start of cycle, simply upping the dosage won't solve the problem.
You may need raloxifene or nolvadex
For Gyno, raloxifene.

Nolvadex and arimidex are not to be ran together as nolvadex can weaken arimidex and cause a drug interaction .. As far as I know aromasin and nolvadex are fine together, but you have Adex as your AI. So just go with raloxifene