Aromasin dosage. everyday or every other day?


New member
Hey guys, I'm going to start my first cycle very soon. It will be 12 weeks long. 500mg of test/wk for 12 weeks; for the first week I will also be taking 50mg of dbol/day then for 4 more weeks I will be taking 25mg of dbol/day. During the dbol + test portion of my cycle I was planning on taking 25mg of exemestane each day. After finishing the dbol, for the remaining 7 weeks (test only) I was planning on taking 25mg of aromasin EOD. Will this likely suffice? Is 12.5mg ED better than 12.5mg EOD for the test only portion of my cycle? The tablets are really tiny and cutting them in half will be a pain in the @ss lol thank you all :)
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No one knows how you will react to aromatizing compounds. We do not know your specific aromatase activity. Some can get away with very little/no AI, others need a lot.

Don't start blasting AI's constantly when not needed.

Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor. It will, very quickly, non-reversibly inhibit 70-90% of aromatase in your blood. Because of this you can use it as needed and do not need to use it every day like adex/letro since they are non suicidal.
No one knows how you will react to aromatizing compounds. We do not know your specific aromatase activity. Some can get away with very little/no AI, others need a lot.

Don't start blasting AI's constantly when not needed.

Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor. It will, very quickly, non-reversibly inhibit 70-90% of aromatase in your blood. Because of this you can use it as needed and do not need to use it every day like adex/letro since they are non suicidal.

Someone corrrct me if Im wrong but the body is continually producing the aromatase enzyme so Exemestane needs to be continually taken while taking a aromatizing AAS if it's your AI of choice.
Someone corrrct me if Im wrong but the body is continually producing the aromatase enzyme so Exemestane needs to be continually taken while taking a aromatizing AAS if it's your AI of choice.

Your correct. The way it was explained to me was that aromasin blocks the e2 your body has but not what it produces after so it is generally taken Ed. As for adex and letro since they continue to reduce what your body is converting into e2 they don't necessarily have to be taken Ed. Especially letro because it's very strong.
I am not saying take one dose of aromasin and you are good for your blast. I am saying it should be used in an ad hoc fasion, vs adex/letro which should be used more consistently due to possibility of rebound.

Aromasin is an irreversible aromatase inhibitor. Meaning it binds to aromatase and permanently renders it, along with estrogen bound to it, inactive. It has a short half life, is eliminated quickly, and estro levels will only start to raise once the body produces more aromatase.

"-24 hours after one 25mg dose estrogen levels are reduced by 70-80%
-72 hours later estrogen levels are still 40% below baseline even though the drug itself is almost completely eliminated
-120 hours after initial dose estrogen levels return to baseline (without rebounding)"

Adex/letro are reversible aromatase inhibitors. They bind to aromatase only while you are using them. This is why sudden cessation will cause estrogen rebound. When I said every day, I more meant "consistently".

Now when you are using 1g+ of test and dbol etc then yes aromasin will be needed daily simply due to the high amount of E2 being circulated. On lower doses IMO it is not needed as consistently both in my and many others experiences.