aromasin & nolva


New member
If u run aromasin on cycle can u run nolva as post cycle therapy (pct)? I need help setting up my post cycle therapy (pct). My cycle is 1-15*test*e @600mg/week
1-13 eq @600mg/week
9-15 anavar @60mg/day
2-17 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @250iu/2x week
17-20 nolva @ 40/40/20/20

And I want to run aromasin from week 2-17 but I read somewhere on this site that if u run aromasin as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when ur on then u cnt run nolva as your post cycle therapy (pct). Is that true? Also I read that there are benefits of running aromasin throughout your pct..I heard thats beneficial...
Aromasin is an aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase is an enzyme that through a series of steps, increases estrogen. Therefore, aromasin is for on cycle use.

Nolva is a selective estrogen receptor modulator. SERMs can either mimic estrogen or render the receptors inactive. SERMs do have other functions, but that is the main one. Clomid for example, has a strong affinity to stimulate LH.

So there is no point taking aromasin for post cycle therapy (pct), because SERMs take care of post cycle therapy (pct) in a more controlled fashion.
Aromasin is an aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase is an enzyme that through a series of steps, increases estrogen. Therefore, aromasin is for on cycle use.

Nolva is a selective estrogen receptor modulator. SERMs can either mimic estrogen or render the receptors inactive. SERMs do have other functions, but that is the main one. Clomid for example, has a strong affinity to stimulate LH.

So there is no point taking aromasin for post cycle therapy (pct), because SERMs take care of post cycle therapy (pct) in a more controlled fashion.

wrong. aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct) helps stimulate test production... scientific fact. lol
wrong. aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct) helps stimulate test production... scientific fact. lol

Dude, first of all, adex is trash. It is a non-suicidal aromatase inhibitor, so it will control estrogen until you stop taking it. This is shortly followed by a huge spike in estrogen as estrogenic activity rapidly increases thus limiting the production of testosterone. Coming off of adex is not recommended unless you are taking something like clomid or nolva to control the huge estrogen spike. Aromasin binds irreversibly to the aromatase enzyme, rendering it useless. That means there is no estrogen rebound after discontinued use.

Clomid will increase test. It's one of the best test boosters out there. There is a reason clomid and nolva are used for post cycle therapy (pct), champ.
Dude, first of all, adex is trash. It is a non-suicidal aromatase inhibitor, so it will control estrogen until you stop taking it. This is shortly followed by a huge spike in estrogen as estrogenic activity rapidly increases thus limiting the production of testosterone. Coming off of adex is not recommended unless you are taking something like clomid or nolva to control the huge estrogen spike. Aromasin binds irreversibly to the aromatase enzyme, rendering it useless. That means there is no estrogen rebound after discontinued use.

Clomid will increase test. It's one of the best test boosters out there. There is a reason clomid and nolva are used for PCT, champ.

adex may be trash to you buddy. it is much easier to titrate and control E with adex while on cycle. and the affinity of aromasin to help test production is especially helpful during post cycle therapy (pct). good luck.
Pharmacokinetics and Dose Finding of a Potent Aromatase Inhibitor, Aromasin (Exemestane), in Young Males

A good read about aromasin... I especially like the info explaining that estrogen is the hormone responsible for epiphyseal bone growth/completion not testosterone.

RB&E | Full text | Aromatase inhibitors in men: effects and therapeutic options

another good read, esp. the citation links.

I know the first paper. It argues for the use of aromasin during cycle... The paper shows how the use of exemestane 'offers an alternative to suppress estrogen concentrations.' That is something you do during your cycle. If you properly control estrogen during your cycle, there is no need to suppress it during PCT...
I know the first paper. It argues for the use of aromasin during cycle... The paper shows how the use of exemestane 'offers an alternative to suppress estrogen concentrations.' That is something you do during your cycle. If you properly control estrogen during your cycle, there is no need to suppress it during PCT...

not flaming you buddy, but how many cycles/pct's have you? full recovery via blood panels?

I am sharing from my experience of many pct's with full recovery. like what i say or don't, just my .02.
Im running aromasin @12mg everyday starting week 2. Cycle as follows

1-16 test e @600mg/week
1-15 eq @600mg/week
10-16 anavar @60-80mg/day

Aromasin ED@12mg starting week 2 up until 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct). Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @250iu twice a week from week 1 up until 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct).

18-21 nolva @40/40/20/20
18-21 clomid @ 50/50/25/25
Im running aromasin @12mg everyday starting week 2. Cycle as follows

1-16 test e @600mg/week
1-15 eq @600mg/week
10-16 anavar @60-80mg/day

Aromasin ED@12mg starting week 2 up until 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct). Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @250iu twice a week from week 1 up until 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct).

18-21 nolva @40/40/20/20
18-21 clomid @ 50/50/25/25

don't run the aromasin unless you sides like gyno, etc. I never use clomid, I prefer Torem @ 60mg's for 6 weeks.
Last time I ran was 3yrs ago. Did

1-15 test e @375mg/week
1-14 eq @400mg/week

No Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Pct was nolva 40/40/20/20 and I got gyno..little bit. Now I am upping the dose so I def want to take a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) this time. I don't wana wait until it shows more and then start...
don't run the aromasin unless you sides like gyno, etc. I never use clomid, I prefer Torem @ 60mg's for 6 weeks.

Last cycle I didnt run clomid but I was thinking about trying this time with this post cycle therapy (pct). Not sure yet weighing it out. But wat is torem? Never heard of it...can u explain?
not flaming you buddy, but how many cycles/pct's have you? full recovery via blood panels?

I am sharing from my experience of many pct's with full recovery. like what i say or don't, just my .02.

I may not have the experience with cycles, being as I am on my first, but I probably know the science and biochemistry better than nearly anyone here. It's my field.

Your cycles may work for you, but your use of ancillaries is not what the science supports, and not a common practice around here.

Just curious, what is your off season weight?
I may not have the experience with cycles, being as I am on my first, but I probably know the science and biochemistry better than nearly anyone here. It's my field.

Your cycles may work for you, but your use of ancillaries is not what the science supports, and not a common practice around here.

Just curious, what is your off season weight?

thats cool man. I have a medical degree, so I understand a great bit of science also. Aromasin promotes test production... it is fact, therefore I prefer to use it during post cycle therapy (pct). It makes sense and is supported by science. Also, controlling E is easier with Adex for most because it is weaker than Aromasin by function and because some estrogen is a good thing. Once you start post cycle therapy (pct), the SERM will handle most of any estro issues... why not add aromsin for the added benefit, huh? I have been "around here" since 2005, under a lost username... not new to this at all, my friend. 245-250 lb's.
U think I should inude torem in my pct with nolva?

No man.. i just run Torem @ 60mg's /day for 6 weeks. You can run just Nolva. You can run Nolva/clomid if you want. I do recommend to add aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct), regardless of how my friend injection objects to it.
adex may be trash to you buddy. it is much easier to titrate and control E with adex while on cycle. and the affinity of aromasin to help test production is especially helpful during post cycle therapy (pct). good luck.

Matt's right so far - Aromasin boosts test production, using it as your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during PCT isn't a bad idea at all.

I have no hands on experience with this, but I've read a lot about the two. Adex is also generally a much easier to make product, as Aromasin is almost always a little 'off' unless you have pharm grade. Thats why you get so many guys who break out hard on aromasin, etc.