August 2004 / August 2005 : 1 year of pain


New member
Here are two shots within a 1 year time frame.
The pics are b&w on purpose : hide the zits and artificially increase definition.

let me know you comments !
Stats? (age, height, before/after weight, training history, cycles?)
You look much more cut. Did you loose much weight?
If your goal was to loose BF you did a good job.
from 220 lbs to 185 lbs
age 25, height 6'0
1 bulking cycle (sust+dbol), 1 cutting cycle winstrol+clen

yes, the goal was to get leaner and build a good foundation for further growth.
thanks for your input
back looks great, did you take Sustanon (sust) and dbol before the 1st pic, then Winstrol (winny) and clen the second pic. im just curious as to where you were in those pictures.
llook great bro.