August 2010-Now....Pathetic Expanded...


New member
The pictures are of the lowest quality,..I apologize.
Stats are 6'0", 35 years of age.
1st pic,..August 2010,..242lbs or so,..30%bf or so,..decrepit and sluggish.
2nd pic,..the other day,..225lbs, 17%bf, getting better by the day.
Still quite embarrassing I know, but improving...can't wait to see how I've metamorphisized come June.
shitty,...can't figure out how to make my pictures bigger.
Sorry. lol

thats funny. either could the meat-packing Jonas brother.

Interesting. Someone check this guys IP.

Greens, was your daddy an alcoholic who beat your ass? And was that transformation the result of 70lb controlled side laterals? :D
thats funny. either could the meat-packing Jonas brother.

Interesting. Someone check this guys IP.

Greens, was your daddy an alcoholic who beat your ass? And was that transformation the result of 70lb controlled side laterals? :D

I upload the Meaty one's pics, hence the same size issue, but he's in Nova Scotia and I'm in Ontario..the IP's will be Dad was a Ninja/Astronaut/Olympic Bobsledder,..he could do preacher curls with 485lbs and 1500 close-grip chin ups in a row. And he could fly.
Oh,..I've only been doing jumping jacks for exercises. I hold rubber mallets while I do them,..well,..I used daughter's headaches have subsided for the most part,...her left eye is still a little "wonky" though.