Seriously, unless you are deficient which is very highly unlikely, B12 isn't going to do anything at all for you.
B-12 injections....
Can someone rec a good lab/brand not to familiar with b-12.
Stone, You have posted this quiet a few times. I am curious why you say this? I have personally never used it but I have read LOTS and LOTS about the use of it specifically on steroid and strength forums. This is pretty much the only forum I have ever read anyone saying it is pointless. Can you elaborate?
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells, the maintenance of the nervous system, and growth and development in children. Deficiency can cause anaemia. Vitamin B12 neuropathy, involving the degeneration of nerve fibres and irreversible neurological damage, can also occur.
Tell us another Mr. Science.
i got some recently for the first time.. using it as a cutter.. i have to admit ive noticed a little more energy and hunger.. cant say that itll work for you drew.. but for 20$ a bottle ill run it again..