bac water


I am ******!
I don't know if it's against the rules but does anyone know a good site for bac water?
I think there is a shortage on bac water until around the start of 2013. May want to just search google as some sites have it in stock and others don't at times. Mountainside Medical is about the best pricing I could find. Hope that helps.

I found some but it's $18.95 for a 30 ml bottle. Have a paramedic friend getting me a 500ml bag of saline to use for my gh and stuff, fuck bw. But yes there's a shortage till next year.
Just make it yourself guys. Its cheap and you can have a ton of it. All you need is some BA, a syringe filter, 60g syringe, two needles, and some distilled water.
Lots of places have vials of sterile water for cheap. Then all you have to do is add some BA. No buying whatman filters and such. Some of the peptide manufacturers have it too for their peptide customers. Im sure one of our board sponsors do.
It is so cheap and easy to make yourself, go to medlab get some BA, buy a gallon of distilled water and buy a steril 50 or 100ml vial, presto, tere is a recipie floating around here somewhere, i forget where though

its .9%ba and rest water.... so easy