beast and katanadrol v2 cycle


New member
time to punch the hulk in the face and tell him to fuck off! the beast is here
my four week cycle to start soon:

beastdrol - 1-4 : 20,30,30,30
katanadrol v2 - 1-4 : 250,250,250,250
hc generate- 1-4 5 caps
need to slin 1-4 4 caps
life support 1- 4 4 caps
livermilk 1-4 2-3 caps

life support 4-8 4 caps
bridge 4-8 3 caps
creatine nitrate 4-12

i know there is better supplements out there (rs transderm, clomid, etc:)
but i got the best what i could get in the uk, and with the money i have
i know all the sides, the harshness, the strength etc im ready for it.

diet will be around 5000 - 6000 kal very clean 350 protein, 500 carbs, 200 fat
it might seen a little excessive but i want to bulk! if i start to get fat i will lose more kcals in the diet.

training will be the same, static HIT strength training working each body part once every 7 weeks, i work 60 hours its hard to go to the gym thats 90 min away, i make the most of it

my body stats i will have the first day i start it, i am nearly 22, this is not my first cycle, i have the do's and dont's on cycle experience, i will keep a log as often as i can. enjoy!
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day 1: starting weight 216lbs around 15% bf
beast 20mg
katandrol: 250mg

gym session: biceps, forearms, abs and traps
static holds are held in the peak position only
warm up- 5 minutes low cross trainer, 5 minutes low rower
barbell shrug- 88lbs x 20reps, 220lbs x 3 reps, 440lbs for 40 second static hold
precher curl one arm - 110lbs for a 30 second static hold
wrist curl seated one arm - 77lbs for a 35 second static hold
fat bar arm blaster reverse curl - 45 second static hold
hanging leg raise - 20 second hold

meal 1: mutant x weight gainer shake
meal 2: 200g oats
meal 3: 150g oats
meal 4: 200g chicken, veg
meal 5: 150g noodles, 2 sausages
meal 6: 300g beef, veg
meal 7: protein shake, yoghurt x 2
extras: 4l of whole milk, 4l of water