Beef proteins!? good for building mass ?


New member
IS beef protein the best type of protein for building muscle mass? if not what is best. Im just trying to learn a little about this if you guys can help me out cause ive been hearing the beef protein is best for mass and if this is true what is a good beef protein product for me to use to get best results? any help would be great thanks .
I don't like or rec red meat (or much meat for that matter as a main source)
I would rec whey and possibly chicken and fish, also lots of veggies.
I would avoid red meats (its cheap to add 2-3g creatine to diet so there is no excuse there)

I like the idea of meats only making up MAYBE 50% of the protein intake and the rest being veggies. for health, gains and mind.

I would also rec adding lots of "good" fats like olive or fish oil