Before and After pics, I would like to know what to expect from my 1st cycle


New member
Alright, so the first two pics are me at 194 6'1. no muscle, never been to a gym.

The next two are me after 7 months in Iraq while taking Hdrol and a test booster. 218lbs

Now I want to take my first cycle. I know I should wait a few more years, got it. But in my job i need strength and stamina now!
I am going to take Deca/Test E 200/400 a week. What can I expect in a 12 week cycle. Im looking for personal info not something ive read in a book already. Thanks guys
Hard work and food. But if you are gonna do this leave the deca alone. Test only is approach for a first cycle. And deca you'll piss dirty if I'm not mistaken. Not sure on that. The reason for test only you can see how you body reacts to test. If you have complications you won't know if its the test or deca giving you the problems. How old are you by the way. Um guessing pretty young which from what I can tell you already know your too young. There's a lot of shit that will mess you up by the way. Do you have a pct planned or an ai?
How's your diet? From your pictures you don't seem like your ready for gear. I hope you understand its almost a second job to keep your gains after your cycle. If your diet sucks you'll lose it all. It's a pretty simple concept but people think they take a shot and they get big and stay big it doesn't work like that. You have to eat harder train harder in your post cycle therapy (pct). It suck cuz your natty test is gone and your losing your injected test so your weak and don't feel like doing shit. So you have to push through it. Trust me it sucks. So my first advice would be to know what your maintenance calories are and get your diet in order. I know its not
^^^^^ well said^^^
dude you have no idea what you're doing. stick around and learn. you aint gonna get jacked just from juice, its mostly about training and diet
Ok well thanks on the heads up. Your right I am new to all this but so were all of you when you started. This will be something Ill learn as I go.
I have been doing my research for months now and feel im prepared. I also have people here with me that have done it for years so ill have support when I need it.
Im in iraq so my diet is restricted to what they serve, usually high protein items.
So can anyone tell me what I can expect in the first few weeks.
How's your diet? From your pictures you don't seem like your ready for gear. I hope you understand its almost a second job to keep your gains after your cycle. If your diet sucks you'll lose it all. It's a pretty simple concept but people think they take a shot and they get big and stay big it doesn't work like that. You have to eat harder train harder in your post cycle therapy (pct). It suck cuz your natty test is gone and your losing your injected test so your weak and don't feel like doing shit. So you have to push through it. Trust me it sucks. So my first advice would be to know what your maintenance calories are and get your diet in order. I know its not

im fairly new to it all as well, but arnt you supposed to ease off the training in your pct and keep diet spot on? as you haave lower test and slower recovery trying to train with the same intensity is gonna cause a more catabolic effecct? am i right?
Nope you have to go hard cuz you don't want to. Dude if your in Iraq gear is not tour best choice. How old r u?
im fairly new to it all as well, but arnt you supposed to ease off the training in your pct and keep diet spot on? as you haave lower test and slower recovery trying to train with the same intensity is gonna cause a more catabolic effecct? am i right?
This is true but if you don't eat and don't trAin hard your gonna lose it
im fairly new to it all as well, but arnt you supposed to ease off the training in your pct and keep diet spot on? as you haave lower test and slower recovery trying to train with the same intensity is gonna cause a more catabolic effecct? am i right?

not quite. you have to keep intensity up but lower your volume.

you won't be able to hammer out 2 hour long workouts like you can on gear.

keep in short and sweet. compound movements with heavy weight. yeah your strength will drop but keep it as heavy as possible to keep your intensity there.
Nope you have to go hard cuz you don't want to. Dude if your in Iraq gear is not tour best choice. How old r u?

Im 25, My diet is good but I could use more intake. I have a guy here helping me out but Im always looking for more advise on this stuff.
I have a good routine and am able to go to a gym 6x week.
Well I thank all you guys for telling me to hold off on the gear. Thats how you can tell that the people on this site are for real, but I decided to go forward with it. I just finished my first pin and the legs feel a little different now. I think tonight will be interesting...........
Well if so please tell me its test only. Do you even have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or a pct planned? I thought you were young but your my age.
For eating remember if you eat like a 120 pound chick you look like a 120 pound chick. How much test and deca you running and for how long. You don't wanna get deca Dick and fuck yourself up cuz you have to stop deca before test
how's your diet? From your pictures you don't seem like your ready for gear. I hope you understand its almost a second job to keep your gains after your cycle. If your diet sucks you'll lose it all. It's a pretty simple concept but people think they take a shot and they get big and stay big it doesn't work like that. You have to eat harder train harder in your post cycle therapy (pct). It suck cuz your natty test is gone and your losing your injected test so your weak and don't feel like doing shit. So you have to push through it. Trust me it sucks. So my first advice would be to know what your maintenance calories are and get your diet in order. I know its not


great answer!
For eating remember if you eat like a 120 pound chick you look like a 120 pound chick. How much test and deca you running and for how long. You don't wanna get deca Dick and fuck yourself up cuz you have to stop deca before test

Hey man, Im eating 3 solid meals plus 2 protein shakes in between, I know I should do more but In iraq its tricky. Im doing only 200 deca and 400 test 2x a week. I have enough deca for 8 weeks and test for 12.
I know you said no deca but I have it so I figured I would use it.
By the way the first nights sleep sucked....
Well what do you have for post cycle therapy (pct) and when you stop deca 3 weeks after you have to start your post cycle therapy (pct). 2 weeks after your last test shot.
I think u should train harder, and find a good diet. Because now with this body, you have a long road, before look like something more potable, before think about a first cycle!