** Before And After...wow! **


New member
Following are before and after photos of Jennifer Mcvicar....can you believe there is only 20 months between themmmminspiration or what.
It would make me feel a lot more insecure if they were Photoshopped too!!!...afraid there not though!!...she has been off the scene for a little while and has just unveiled her new look.......looks like one hell of a mass cycle took place in those months!!...shes going to cause a lot of damage next year..
I agree that low BF has a detrimental effect to the face....As a competing bodybuilder myself Im the first to admit it!!....But we are getting away from the reason for the post here......This girl has made gains in under 2 years that we would all be proud of!!

Lets put our insecurities aside here lads.
mostmuscular said:
I agree that low BF has a detrimental effect to the face....As a competing bodybuilder myself Im the first to admit it!!....But we are getting away from the reason for the post here......This girl has made gains in under 2 years that we would all be proud of!!

Lets put our insecurities aside here lads.

I don't think we're insecure. A lot of people here with good genetics could do that with the amount of gear she's on.
I know everybody has diffrent ideals...but can i ask why people thinks sh looked better before???....i think she looks a lot more fem in the after pic..
Mr. dB said:
She looks scary in all of them. Low BF% does no favors to a woman's face.
Niether do high dodes of Androgens.....I wponder what she looked like before all this happened .......:rolleyes:
She is cute in the before pics. I can't get over the masculine appearance of her face in the after pics.
I'd do her now then and now..... There is something about a chick with big muscles that gets me hot!!!!!.....Ahhhhhh Who am I kidding lately I get hot when the wind blows.....LOL

Seroiusly she looks good IMO!!!