Beginner Cycle looking to bulk


New member
34 years old
204 pounds
Body fat 14-15% not sure

I have been lifting for almost four years and my diet is ok not the best and I exercise 5 days a week. After years of expending my paycheck at GNC I decided that I need to do some research to see what Steroids can do for me and how to stack them. I did a cycle of Test E and Tren A for five weeks but at the time I was just doing what my friend had me told me and eventhough, I saw some results I wasn't satisfied. Reading and searching I find out that the cycle was too short. I didnt used any PCT either.
I'm looking to bulk so I decided to go with Test E and Tren A for a 10 weeks cycle. What you guys think about this...this is how I'm going to run this cycle

Week 1-10
500mg Test/a week
200mg Tren/a week from weeks 1-8
1 quarter table of finasteride per day (1.25)
1 quarter table of arimidex eod (.25mg)
1 tablet of clomid ed (50mg)

I will continue the PCT for four more weeks with