Beginner Cycle (Test E / Anavar / T3 )


New member

As I explained in my previous thread (, I am planning in doing a cycle. I added T3 because I have a subclinical problem with thyroid, and my BMR is very low, so I would like to remove fat increasing my BMR while keeping and gaining muscle on Test E + Anavar. I don't really know if it is recommended as a beginner 6-8 weeks or if I should extended up to 12. I have finally made up my mind, and I plan on taking as a beginner:

Test E: 500 mg Every week (first week double for front load)
Anavar: 40 mg ED
T3: 25 mg at first, and 50 mg at the second half of the cycle.

As supplements, I will not take anything for preventing liver damage as Anavar is mainly going to kidneys, but I thought about taking Novaldex (I'm not really sure if I should take it together with the cycle, or after I finish the cycle) and HCG after finishing the cycle (or shall I stack it with the cycle?)

I'm also thinking in changing the last two weeks of Test E by Test P as it was recommended in order to avoid a strong comedown after finishing AAS.

Could you please give me an indication about what amounts should be recommended for a beginner on this cycle? Unfortunately I haven't found much info about this combination, as majority of people stack T3 with Clen.

And one more thing, currently I am 23 years old, and I am supposed to be completely developed. Some people recommend me to start when I'm 25 y/o, but would it affect me much if I start straight away?

Thanks to everyone for reading my post.
It was recommended that you drop some body fat before starting a cycle. You will have a difficult time managing e2 being at 25%+ body fat. Read the ology faq's thread. Pretty much everything you posted about your cycle needs addressed. Instead of spoon feeding you, you can read the same info in that sticky...
Hello, my BF now is at 23% this week. By the end of the month I hope to be around 20% and then I would start, not earlier.

Will take a look on that sticky, thanks!
Your BF is very critical as this is where the aromatase enzyme resides. Your E2 will be very difficult to control. Look into exemestane as this is considered a scuicide AI and will control estradiol. It's often underdosed so look into getting bloods to monitor your E2. It's very difficult to crash your Estro with this AI too which is a plus. Too high E2 your a girl, too low and you won't workout. But BF needs to be lower. There's a sticky on estrogen you should look into. As for HCG you need to run it on cycle. It should not be run PCT.
Test E: 500 mg Every week (first week double for front load)

This is an advanced technique and for a first time user a sure fire way to trigger an avalanche of side effects. You've never done steroids and you actually think a gram in your first week is a good idea?
Anavar: 40 mg ED
T3: 25 mg at first, and 50 mg at the second half of the cycle.

Please tell us you're doing baseline blood work with a full liver and thyroid panel as well as mid and post cycle.

As supplements, I will not take anything for preventing liver damage as Anavar is mainly going to kidneys, but I thought about taking Novaldex (I'm not really sure if I should take it together with the cycle, or after I finish the cycle) and HCG after finishing the cycle (or shall I stack it with the cycle?)

I'm not sure anything in this paragraph is correct

And one more thing, currently I am 23 years old, and I am supposed to be completely developed. Some people recommend me to start when I'm 25 y/o, but would it affect me much if I start straight away?

2 years is plenty of time to learn how to consistently exercise, meal prep and diet, figure out what kind of cardio you enjoy and can commit to for life. It's more than enough to get your body fat down below 18%, preferably 15 though. It's more than enough time to figure out if you're actually willing to commit to fitness and make sacrifices to maintain it. It's enough time to learn how to cycle when it's actually time, and decide if you're ok going on TRT if shit goes sideways once you start messing with your body's homeostasis.

Thanks to everyone for reading my post.

You're welcome, now why did I go through all that trouble to post in a troll thread?
Agreed, frontloading is never correctly and in my opinion shouldn't even be incorporated. If you don't want to wait for a long ester to kick in then use short ester gear...
Let the record show I did 3.4 g of gear my first week of my first cycle. 5 weeks in no sides at all. Not even one. Oily skin maybe but that's it, and gains are showing.
Let the record show I did 3.4 g of gear my first week of my first cycle. 5 weeks in no sides at all. Not even one. Oily skin maybe but that's it, and gains are showing.

And that's great! I'm in a similar boat, I rarely deal with too many side effects, but you've got to be aware that some people get terrible ones. If you're new to a substance it makes way more sense to ease into it and test the waters before diving in.