Beginning a Bulk soon..need help


New member
I am starting a bulking diet soon and I just have a few questions...

Im currently on a cheap college diet(about 2500cals) and I want to get to 4000-4500cal. Going home so my parents can buy all my supplies:D

Should I slowly add more calories everyday or add 500+ per day?

Whats the most eggs I should eat per day? I ate 12(4whole) last bulk, but some guy at the gym eats 24+ ! yeah he is big

What is a good beef to eat? not too expensive and not too nasty

Should I drink any juices like OJ?

Last...I plan on drinking at LEAST 1/2 gallon of milk per day, what kind would be best? skim, 1%,2%....

Skim on the milk bro. But remember, milk will help you retain water. Make the beef lean as possible (usually expensive) and I would stay away from the OJ. Invest in some whey protein and eat a lot of egg whites. Eggs are cheap and a great protein source. Tuna. Brown Rice. Turkey Burgers. Nat Peanut Butter. Water. Sweet Potatos.
I personally prefer whole milk, I have a fairly fast metabolism so I need the extra calories and fat, also I like the taste of whole milk. Eggs I eat quite a bit of them not 12 a day, lean meats and lots of fresh green vegetables. I've been bulking for more than 7 months now, eating clean but eating quite a bit. Training hard, heavy squats and deads being the core of the workout. I drink a gallon of whole milk everyday. My diet has worked wonders. Over the past 7 months I've ballooned up and my bodyfat is still under 11%.