Beginning HCG During Cycle and PCT Question


New member
Going to start HCG now 3 weeks into my Test Deca cycle. I've found that that test atrophy was much more severe this cycle as 3 weeks in they are same size as after my last 4 month cycle.

I was looking at 500iu x1 per week vs 250x 2 per week.

Also looking for any advice on complete PCT. Not sure how much, how long and of what to use as didn't do pct first cycle.
I'm running 600 mg of Test E and 350 Deca. Using only nolva EOD and seem to have no sides even without adex.
Can you share yours stats please, age, weight, height, cycle history, bf%?
heres a couple of threads for you to read up on.

I'm 22 6'0 , ran one cycle previously of test E and EQ @500 each a week without pct. Went from 180-205 @ 13-15% bf in 16 weeks and maintained it after 5 months off but test atrophy was bad which is why I waited that long to start next cycle.
Didn't know enough about pct but I've started my HCG at 300 iu twice per week taking first shot yesterday. What do you think?
Can you share yours stats please, age, weight, height, cycle history, bf%?
heres a couple of threads for you to read up on.

And thanks those links were helpful I feel better about planning pct now.