best creatine


Not Juice..Protein Shakes
i have been reading about celltech and how people are saying its all hype. but i was thinking on taking it but am having second thoughts on celltech. is there a recomended creatine brand that people like? if so, post some brands that u guys take, it would be highly apreciated.

I agree regular creatine and if you want dextrose. Cell tech is over hyped and over priced. That is its main prob. Add to that the fact that muscletech has had quality control probs (lots of em) and you see why it is so hated.

Creatine is dirt cheap, no need to pay muscletech prices.
holy shit!!! littlewilly!!!! remember mw, deca boy!!?? ur on this forum now too? hows it goin?
thats cool, jus wanna let u no that i did my 10 week cycle of deca and didnt really gain that much. but i didnt wanna do a second cycle cause i kinda wwanna stay natural. i gained 2 inches in arm which is hardly noticeable and gained 10 lbs. not as much as i excpected but o well.
slick13: How can u stay natural after a cycle? Impossible bro! And if u gained badly, then blaim youre diet, sleep, training and protein intake.

Anyways: Id recommend Optimum Nutrition´s Creapure Creatine and trow in some dextro to get somewhat better effect.
good luck
ur right, my diet was not that good. but thanx for the input. how do i get my hands on some dextrose and can somebody explain dextrose to me? i thought cell-tech had plenty of that
after checkin in bio .. dextrose is a sugar .. to my best knowledge.. ill let the ppl more familiar with it break it down though
dextrose is just a sugar that helps with creatine absorbption and also helps make protein taste better(i think) and ups your carbs or energy level:)
Dextro in the protein drink makes it waaay sweet i think. Well dextro is suger as they said, not more not less.. but it is mixable. Its goof for the absorbation of creatin and gives u a energy kick in the training, so take 5grams before and 5 grams after (of cretine) and mix it with 30-50grams of dextro.
good luck!
so dextrose comes in a powder? and u just mix it in the creatine?
well, what kind of creatine is the best and where can i find dextrose?
slick13 said:
so dextrose comes in a powder? and u just mix it in the creatine?
well, what kind of creatine is the best and where can i find dextrose?

german creatine is best that can be found anywhere dextrose can be found in your local supermarket maybe cause i couldnt find it anywhere around here(i didnt look too hard:)

not to sound like an advertisement but i usually order from good service i like them
i just read some stuff on creatine serum and heard that its alot more affective then powder. wut do u guys think about that stuff?