Best ECA to Cycle With Clen?


New member
Hey fellas

whats the best ECA to cycle with Clen? Xenadrine? Stacker 2? Hydroxycut?

Thanks, Jock
MD6 by biotest. holy shit! i just started today with it again (i bought like 6 of them when they halted production due to ephedrine, at a sale price).....and its lighting me up like a christmas tree. it has ephedrine/caffeine/yohimbe/tyrosine/ala/ bunch of other shit in it. real kick in the ass. find one similar with ephedrine/caffeine/yohimbe. yohimbe really sets it off like you wouldn't believe. if you can still find that combo, fucking FDA. makes clen feel like candy when i switch onto that as far as CNS stimulation. :)