Muay Thai kidd said:
what are some foods that everyone uses to get lots of carbs and calories...
That ? is pretty broad bro. You gotta tell us whether you want to bulk or cut. From the sound of it you said lots of cals and and carb's. Heres a simple daily meal plan that i try to stick too. Keep in mind everyones requirements are different cause of their bodyweight. Ex. Im 260lb's and should be taking in like 400-500 grams of protein a day if i wanna grow. A good rule of thumb for beginners is say 1 gram pro per one lb bodyweight. That will help slowly put on some muscle but still isn't enough to get swole.
Here's some foods that have helped me. I went from 205 2 yrs. ago to now 260lb's.
6 a.m. Breakfast, 10 egg's 3 raw 7 whites, 1 cup oats, piece of fruit.
9.a.m Protein Bar, milk
12 p.m. Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, green veggie, glass whole milk
3 p.m. PBJ whole PB on Wheat Bread or Roast Beef glass whole milk
Dinner Steak, Salmon with potatoes and another green veggie.
Evening Shake Whey Powder with milk, teaspoon or two olive oil
Before Bedtime Cottage Cheese or PB
Remember your Post W/o shake 50 grams whey pro/ 100grams dextrose.
Maybe take some Flax oil, Fish oil for your EFA's.
This should be a good easy start.