Best peptide for me?


New member
Hi i'm new here. I'm about 20, I weigh about 130 lbs, um... my body is ectomorphic and so it's very hard for me to put on weight. So I've been looking into trying out peptides to help with that, but I have no idea where to even start. Any suggestions?
Also, do peptides change your face over time at all? It'd be nice to look a little older (in a good way), or atleast speed up the process.
thanks for the help :)
just keep on eating bro. I mean that's the only thing people will tell you. Eat and eat clean. If your never hungry then you could try GHRP-6 but that's it.
Hi i'm new here. I'm about 20, I weigh about 130 lbs, um... my body is ectomorphic and so it's very hard for me to put on weight. So I've been looking into trying out peptides to help with that, but I have no idea where to even start. Any suggestions?
Also, do peptides change your face over time at all? It'd be nice to look a little older (in a good way), or atleast speed up the process.
thanks for the help :)

Bro, you need to eat. I don't give shit if your an ectomorph or not. I went from 135 to 210 in four years with a proper diet. Count your calories and your macro breakdown. Tell us what you're really eating on a daily basis and maybe then we can help you. You don't need peptides, you need food.
I've run a lot of GHRP-6, and let me tell you bro, it gives your appetite a raging hard-on. Your refrigerator will be calling the rape hotline. You'll eat like a pig, and hardly put on an ounce of fat. I've gained slow but lean on it, and I am predisposed to fat gain on carbs.

Funny you should mention about changing your face, not sure if its what you meant, but on GHRP-6, my sparse facial hair (think Justin Timberlake, or Orlando Blood) started to fill in. Can't be a concidence, I wasn't running anything else at the time.

Now, if you're talking about acromegaly, you'd need to do some CJC-1295 DAC for like a couple years straight. Don't go there. Having an overly youthful appearance is not a bad thing, trust me, I'm late 20's and I used to hate that I looked too young, its not such a bad thing, I could pass for 20 easy.
GHRP-6 - and dont try to look older getting older will do that to you, and you'll be regretting look like your 60 when your 45.
I've run a lot of GHRP-6, and let me tell you bro, it gives your appetite a raging hard-on. Your refrigerator will be calling the rape hotline. You'll eat like a pig, and hardly put on an ounce of fat. I've gained slow but lean on it, and I am predisposed to fat gain on carbs.

Funny you should mention about changing your face, not sure if its what you meant, but on GHRP-6, my sparse facial hair (think Justin Timberlake, or Orlando Blood) started to fill in. Can't be a concidence, I wasn't running anything else at the time.

Now, if you're talking about acromegaly, you'd need to do some CJC-1295 DAC for like a couple years straight. Don't go there. Having an overly youthful appearance is not a bad thing, trust me, I'm late 20's and I used to hate that I looked too young, its not such a bad thing, I could pass for 20 easy.

I am going to have to comment and ask a q. To the OP: I am 26...mid twenties( 1 more year to say that lol, I easily pass for 22. Trust me, stay young looking, when I shave real clean i can pass for less. When i was younger I looked older, cause of my build and smoothness of bulking. OP I was an ectomorphic/meso....more ecto. However, when I was younger, you would have called me an endo morph. Let me explain, 1 year I play football, I am an OL man. Next year I play back up mid line backer. Third year, i get the number 21. So I was exited, I was thinking corner, but i'm short. I thought corner cause of deion sanders.Here, the coach told me, i was gunna be the starting tail back. During run drilling i fell, got back up and still was the second fastest on team. I lost 30 lbs running in my back yard in summer w a sweat shirt etc, just ran laps and laps. All 3 years I never officially started do to injuries. Point being, an ectomorph can suck....You bust your arse and get half if that. However, you have one name, own it. Get the best of what you have, but be healthy.

I left lifting and boxing( did that later ) cause of college and injuries, actually an accident most part. I became an ectomorph/meso again. I am only 5ft 8. I was suppose to be larger when i was little, my growth just stopped at 17 or 16, seriously lol. My point is fck the you need 1g protein per lb of body weight. Actually, if you continue that, you will fck your kidneys. You have over 1 trillion nephrons in the kidney. Far as crazy workouts and diets..key thing is leave all that to ppl who get paid and endorsed and bodybuild. Throw the muscle mags away, well don't take it literally.


Bench press
Floor press
Dips( even machine dips if bad shoulder )
Military press
or arnold press
Leg press
Squats( any kind sumo, front, hack, reg. )
Lat pulls downs or chin ups
Bicep curls
calve raises

- If you just divide those up in proper manner, you will build. Your an ecto, get some proper nutrition, don't worry about how many meals AKA quit stressing....just get 3k calories and eat clean, and do those lifts. Space them out to recover.

Physical exams: You can get your thyroid checked or test checked if you feel like there maybe an underlining thing.

to OP: I gained over 27 lbs throwing old methods away, and had a bench day, deadlift day, and squat whole body grew. Plus spent less time in gym, my bench went from 225 at the time, to 295. Around 6 months....for an ecto those are good results. I felt them as well.

My q to the GHRP 6, i've seen some people report they have trouble sleeping on it, won't that be counter productive of gh release? Again, just seeing other people post on other boards reporting this. I am actually on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 26.....and was considering a pep for clean bulk, but not for much fat loss if one exists...aiding in sleep is cool as well. I guess a nice therapeutic dose that aids in size strength( slow n steady is okay ).
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I'll make this easy for you. Don't worry about peptides or AAS. Wait until you are older, do research now (just don't believe all that you read) eat big and train heavy.

Find a program like 531 or bill starr 5x5 and follow it exactly. I had a hard time gaining weight in my early teens but I played sports all year non stop. I could add muscle easily but not fat.

Count the calories you eat in a day. Try or something like that. Figure out your caloric needs on fit day then add to it. Protien, bcaa's are all you need right now. Ok so let's say you figure out basic caloric needs to maintain your weight and it's 2300cals a day(just making up numbers). Technically one pound is 3500 calories so the equation is to add 500 cals a day over what your body uses and you will gain 1 pound a week.

Realistically it won't go that easy but if you really count cals, and add 500-1000 more than needed a day you should start to see some weight gain in the first two months but be honest with yourself about the calories you get and your activity level etc.

Train heavy with low reps. High reps will not add bulk. Focus on dead lifts, squats, and bench press. Anything else you want to add is fine but those three are the most important to building mass. They also work many smaller muscle groups. You don't need a day of hitting bi's and tri's but can add some if you like.

Don't buy weight gaining shakes. They suck. You want as much whole food as possible but can add a pwo shake and casien at bed time. If you can't get a meal then add a shake or if it's to difficult to eat the amount of cals you need then supplement with a shake. Your body will get use to consuming more food and it will become easier.

Here's my weight gain shake that cheap and doesn't have 90g of saturated fats:
8-10oz whole milk
8-10 ice cubes
2-3 scoops protien
5-10g bcaa's
5g glutamine
1 cup oats (blended into a powder before mixing)
2 table spoons peanut butter(could use almond)
2 table spoons extra virgin olive oil(or coconut)
1 banana

Blend oats into a powder then add protien, bcaa,glutamin and blend again. Next add milk, ice cubes, pb, banana, evoo and blend again. This will taste very good and is at least 1000cals with 60-80 g protien. The evoo adds cals plus good fats and you won't even notice it. It very inexpensive weight gainer and taste good. Sometimes I add yogurt also.

Keep a log of everything you eat in a day and track your progress. If you are committed you will start to add weight. Even if you gain 2-3 lbs a month, that is 24 to 36 in a year. You don't need peptides or drugs and don't buy any of that crap from gnc. Protien, bcaa's and maybe glutamine and creatine are all you need.

Add 10g of creatine a day and that will help.