"Biotech-Pharmaclinico" Metabol, Real?

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I know this is UG, but it is from a trusted source (not the maker) who says he uses it w/ good results. 10mg tabs. I know that Biotech is/was a highly counterfeit source, and this looks UG. It came in perforated shrinkwrap and a paper seal on the inside w/ cotton in the bottle. The tabs are very small, white and have one line (see picture).

I have no doubt this isn't from a true lab, however, has anyone ever seen these or had experience with them?

"Batch Number"-A-1767
***Also, should be noted that I have used BioTech's Test Cyp and EQ with great results, but I've never had their orals, so that's why I figured I'd ask and see if anyone has used them!

Thanks again guys!
thanks for the reply bro. i assume you meant i should NOT have a problem. ive taken their injects before, but not orals, so that's why im wondering if anyone has had any experience with their orals? doesnt seem legit, but never know.
looks gtg to me. i have taken there other stuff with fantastic results. Anavar (var) , to name one. .
Just to give a quick update. I've already used their test enan and eq with great results, as for the dbols, I'm 4 days in at 2 a day (10mg each). The first night I had insomnia and couldn't sleep (nothing changed with diet or regimine). However, the past 3 days I've been noticeably more tired and lethargic within an hour of taking one...maybe it's just me? I noticed a pretty bad lower back pump yesterday in the gym as well,....I think it's all mental though, I seriously doubt I'd be feeling anything at 4 days into it. I'll post up a couple weeks from now and let you guys know my gains on it.

I went from 500mg Test/week then 20mg dbol/ed, but this Sunday I will drop down to 200mg Test Cyp/week (normal TRT), 30mg Dbol/ed. If the benfits outweigh the risks (if I even see any), I'll move up to 50mg, only reason I'm dropping down the Test is b/c I'm using the dbols to kickstart my cycle (test/eq) coming up.

Thanks again guys!
Im on there cyp, t400, deca. Man I got some golfballs on my delts like none other. I've gained about 8 pounds. Seems to be working a lil slow than I anticipated but its working. Ill post pics in a month. Keep this thread going, peace!
that Metabol is 100% Legit bro...I only use BIOTECH products, and have had those numerous times...those are BIOTECH Dbol for sure...they will work youll see..
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Biotech pharmaclinico is the shit i used that Metabol and it worked great but the pills where white with the biotest stamp on it not just white with a line maybe i got the new ones......also my bottle of metabol had the hologram on them
Can someone please PM me the link to VIP and Bio-tech? Of course only send me the link if the general consensus is they are GTG :)
I revived the same thing I've not started them yet please keep me posted if you Jane any result with metabol pills mikeywillsgol
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