Blood draining at home for TRT

How often? Every time I go I have to lie about my use of steroids. Sometimes I just drain about 16ounces into a mason jar at home. My wife's mom is a nurse.
They're CONSTANTLY fucking up my appointments and blood pressure readings at the donation center. I wish I had the nuts to do it myself.
Even if you use an 18 gauge needle, with a 3 cc barrel and hook it to a 1/2 inch vinyl tube and try to drain out into a 1/2 liter soda jug,, you'll find that the blood will stop flowing after just a short time. You need to create some sort of negative (suction) pressure with something like a vacutainer or similar medical device.
Take some aspirin to thin the blood, should flow out very quickly. Also they sell antiquagluant fluid to run down the inside of the tube before you drain that way is doesn't clog up. Just a thought.