Blood Test Results/ Questions


New member
I just received the results of my blood tests for testosterone levels. The test was done in the final week of an 8-week prohormone cycle. I have an appointment to formally go over the results with my doctor on Friday, but judging by the numbers on the printout I’m not doing very hot. My total testosterone is 0.2 ng/ml, where the normal range is 2.5 – 11.5 ng/ml. My free testosterone is 2.12 pg/ml, where the normal range is 9.0 – 47.0 pg/ml. Looks like I am pretty much bottomed out. This is after 7 weeks of running 1-androsterone at 210 mg/ED and 5a-androstano at 75 mg/ED.

My last blood test was in November 2008 and done during a period where I hadn’t done any prohormones in several months. My numbers back then were 225 ng/dl for total testosterone, where the normal range is 250 – 1,100 ng/dl. My free testosterone was 61 pg/ml, where the normal range is 35 – 155 pg/ml. I was still on the low end of normal back then, but that might just be because I am 35 and getting older.

My questions are this:

1) This is the first time I have ever had blood work done post-cycle. Is it normal for testosterone levels to drop this low after a prohormone cycle, or is this a unique situation and I have a problem?

2) My doctor wrote a note on my test results that he wants to get together to discuss “treatment options”, which most likely means testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Will starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) now interfere with my body’s natural healing process of normalizing natural testosterone after a cycle?

My normal PCT includes tamoxifin, a cortisol control supplement, and test boosters such as TestoPro. Another member of this forum hooked me up with a medical study done by the Program for Wellness Restoration that shows dramatic increases in test levels among males coming off of steroid use for extended periods of time. The prescribed therapy includes 2,500 IU of HCG taken every other day along with varying doses of Clomid and Tamoxifin. I was thinking about trying this.

Any feedback will be appreciated.