Bloodwork from Euro-Pharmacies II-HeavyIron

lol judging by 375 mg every other day you can gather the PIP must be non existent or the guy wouldn't have been able to walk. So we can be pretty sure that it is smooth gear from that. Ive looked into reviews all around and I have heard nothing but good things and I mean that literally. I was pretty ocd about my reading to. Lol i'm always on guard for illuminati conspiracy theories involving like 30 imaginary profiles praising a brand. There was definitely good reliable reviews from a lot of different members with different post counts. I don't know if my opinion means anything to anybody but I felt I might as well add my 2 cents to the forum. I actually read this post a while back to before it was brought back.
Same here. Although I am always nervous trying something new that involves money haha.

lol judging by 375 mg every other day you can gather the PIP must be non existent or the guy wouldn't have been able to walk. So we can be pretty sure that it is smooth gear from that. Ive looked into reviews all around and I have heard nothing but good things and I mean that literally. I was pretty ocd about my reading to. Lol i'm always on guard for illuminati conspiracy theories involving like 30 imaginary profiles praising a brand. There was definitely good reliable reviews from a lot of different members with different post counts. I don't know if my opinion means anything to anybody but I felt I might as well add my 2 cents to the forum. I actually read this post a while back to before it was brought back.
I wouldn't bring something on board here and post 2 sets of paperwork if it was bad gear lol.

The stuff is good, I am not saying that because I am a rep but rather I am a rep because I really believe that. I have seen all the mass specs on these products and they are very good. Probably a little over dosed considering I test higher for my bi monthly testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) bloodwork when I run EP than I do when I use the Bayer Testviron from my pharmacy at the same dose.

Also worth noting is the price difference.
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I wouldn't bring something on board here and post 2 sets of paperwork if it was bad gear lol.

The stuff is good, I am not saying that because I am a rep but rather I am a rep because I really believe that. I have seen all the mass specs on these products and they are very good. Probably a little over dosed considering I test higher for my bi monthly testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) bloodwork when I run EP than I do when I use the Bayer Testviron from my pharmacy at the same dose.

Also worth noting is the price difference.

That's why I said I wasn't trying to discredit the line in anyway but at the same time one can't expect to get 10,000+ ng/dL test levels off 500mg/wk dosing lol. I see Mike Arnold loves the line and his approval is enough for me to try it out for my own :)
That's why I said I wasn't trying to discredit the line in anyway but at the same time one can't expect to get 10,000+ ng/dL test levels off 500mg/wk dosing lol. I see Mike Arnold loves the line and his approval is enough for me to try it out for my own :)

Oh I know brother. I am a rep for the biggest EP distributor that's why I said it lol!
Gah! You guys are twisting my arm here. Guess who just picked up an extra shift in the ER on 4th of July weelend? It's gonna be hell and its all your fault assholes! Haha
lol judging by 375 mg every other day you can gather the PIP must be non existent or the guy wouldn't have been able to walk. So we can be pretty sure that it is smooth gear from that. Ive looked into reviews all around and I have heard nothing but good things and I mean that literally. I was pretty ocd about my reading to. Lol i'm always on guard for illuminati conspiracy theories involving like 30 imaginary profiles praising a brand. There was definitely good reliable reviews from a lot of different members with different post counts. I don't know if my opinion means anything to anybody but I felt I might as well add my 2 cents to the forum. I actually read this post a while back to before it was brought back.

Reasonable ... i like that Bro - don't hesitate to PM me ....

Why am i not all over ology stuff asking for sponsorship yet ....????

If anyone is outta answers .... i don't really have to with the real deal EP LINE quality - it's basically HG quality (as some vets confirmed man times so far ...)

The best and only efficient-truth telling marketing is to offer 100% real deal stuff in every way.

Enough said.And thanks for kind-reasonable Input Fellas.
Any experience/feedback on the ABombs Mike??

Yep...used them 3 times, I think. They are very good. The chances of getting ripped off on something ike Anadrol or D-bol us much, much lower compared to something like Halotestin, which is expensive to make and therefore, often bunk. Knowing what I do of the EP line, worrying about whether or not the Anadrol is real should be the last thing on your mind. It doesn't cost much at try some out and see for yourself.
Impressive but what is your free test? E2 is high. LH & FSH flat as pancakes (impossible not to). Did you use any HCG during cycle (low dose like 500iu 4x/wk) ? The 11,000 serum test is worth framing though :)