bloodwork results


New member
Hi, I just got some blood work done and I would like to know what you think about my Testosterone levels.

I am 19 years old, 5'8", 150 lbs and have never used steroids.

My levels are:
Total Testosterone 442 range 280-800 ng/dL
LH 5.72 range-- 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
TSH 1.94 range-- 0.27-4.2 uIU/mL
Free T4 1.32 range-- 0.7-1.7 ng/dL
FSH 5.8 range-- 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL

Is this bad for a 19 year old?
Where are you in puberty and how tall are you compared to your parents? also how much are some of your lifts?

There is a lot of debate whether your testosterone is low, as the numbers fluctuate during the day.

One of the most serious side effects if you are thinking about any type of steroid is that it will stunt your growth. I didn't get my last inch until 24 years old. I can also tell you for a fact that those last two inches that you may still grow will get you laid far more that muscles will.

More importantly, your test levels are at the point that it is possible to make gains and add strength in the gym. I was able to gain strength even at a test level of 300.

granted progress is slow as fuck at that level and my dick barely worked.

Are you having any other symptoms of low testosterone or high estrogen?
Where are you in puberty and how tall are you compared to your parents? also how much are some of your lifts?

There is a lot of debate whether your testosterone is low, as the numbers fluctuate during the day.

One of the most serious side effects if you are thinking about any type of steroid is that it will stunt your growth. I didn't get my last inch until 24 years old. I can also tell you for a fact that those last two inches that you may still grow will get you laid far more that muscles will.

More importantly, your test levels are at the point that it is possible to make gains and add strength in the gym. I was able to gain strength even at a test level of 300.

granted progress is slow as fuck at that level and my dick barely worked.

Are you having any other symptoms of low testosterone or high estrogen?

I am about a half inch taller than my father and my height hasn't changed in over 3 years. As far as puberty goes, I cant really grow alot of facial hair.

my lifts are :Squats 225 for 6 full reps, dumbbell bench 70 lbs for 8 reps, weighted dips 50 lbs for 7 reps, weighted pull-ups 35 lbs for 6 reps
My lifts are very slowly increasing and I started lifting around 5-6 years ago (eating a good diet for the past 2 years). Over the past two years I think I have gained no more than 7 lbs lean muscle.

When I eat just enough calories for my weight to increase I would say I gain around 6-7 lbs of fat for every lb of muscle.

Now that I think about it I am tired alot. I used to play ice hockey a few years ago and when I played I felt like my endurance was terrible even though I was in about the same shape as everyone else.
When did you get the test done? If you do it right in the morning around 8am-9am you will get the most accurate results since this is generally when you hit your peak. lvls start to drop off later in the day. So if its 442 and you got this done at like say 4pm or so its not THATTT bad since the lvls can fluctuate roughly 50-150 points depending on the day. But if your at 442 and you did the test really early I'd say that's on the lower side, but chances are no Dr will put you on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with lvls like that
done around 8 am. I realize that years from now I might want to look into testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) assuming my T levels decrease as I get older.
They are at a point where its not TOO bad, so you should just have your eye on it and get tested once and a while