Post Cycle Blood Work. Low LH and FSH.


New member
Hey everyone, hope all is well. I am 24 years old and most recently finished up a cycle of LGD, pretty standard dosage. Nothng crazy. Followed it up with clomid for pct 50/50/25/25/12.5. That was about 4 months ago. I wanted to get bloods done months later to see how i recovered. Bloods are as follows:

FSH 1.9 NORMAL 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
LH 2.6 NORMAL 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL

About 4 years ago I did a standard cycle of Test E, which completely shut me down (Yes, I was dumb and young). I did a cycle of HCG a year later followed by clomid. Can't remember the dosage for the HCG, but again pretty standard as I didnt blast t off the bat. Blood are as follows:

Testosterone, Serum 671 264-916 ng/dL
LH 7.4 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH 2.7 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL
Estradiol 17.3 7.6-42.6 pg/mL

So obviosuly there is an issue with my FSH. However, I did respond well to HCG three years ago. Not a clue how my test is so high now as I havent taken anything in between. Pretty normal libido. I also have a small varicocele that my doctor is aware of which may play a small role. Open to any and all suggestions. Just want to get the boys running again!
So I know its a pain in the ass. Youre in decent shape for blood work. Yes LH and FSH is different but that was years ago. Request further blood work. Your test levels are normal and means your LH and FSH are working at least for your testosterone. My blood work isnt consistent and unless you know your body and or get tested a few more times. Its technically normal as its within range.
Main question tho:
How are you feeling?

I wouldnt be overly concerned at this point and request a full male hormone panel. Thyroid. Lipids. Liver etc
I dont feel too bad. Energy normal, libidio normal.Obviously there are days where I am more tired. The boys have shrunken though, which made me think of the HCG. I know it mimicks LH and should get that going. Not too sure about FSH
I dont feel too bad. Energy normal, libidio normal.Obviously there are days where I am more tired. The boys have shrunken though, which made me think of the HCG. I know it mimicks LH and should get that going. Not too sure about FSH

the beauty of HCG is that you cant overdose on it, ive known many who pin over 2500iu per week and more just to keep them going.