Blue Runners?

detroit said:
I think i know what your talking about. And no, they had a high minimum if i remember right.

hmmm i think i know. and yeah, minimums in the kilos. not too stealth.
traveler97 said:
minimums aren't the problem, its their outrageous prices.

Agreed.. although the minimums are pretty high..

I had a fair amount of contact with them about a year ago and decided not to use them.. Pretty bad service, long wait for replys, the money transfer to a private account not the company etc.. I wasn't confident enough to order and given that AS powder is legal over here it should be a very simple process for me..
Having said that, it was a year ago and things may have changed.. I heard they opened an office in Beijing (where I live) so theoreticaly I should be able to pick them up at their office and bypass the email route and slow service problem. Since your overseas I would probably find another company..

There are cheaper and better companies in China..