Body Recomp with HGH & AAS


New member
Hi All,

To keep it short and simple; Current stats are :
27 years old
97kg (214lbs)
BF - 18-20% approx
Cycle history; about 5 legit cycles in the past (ran into some bunk gear & effectively messed up the cycle due to it)
Lifting Experience almost 10 years with about the last 5 years consistent training.

So with all that being said, I ran a cycle towards the end of last year 500mg of Test E (per week) & ONYX supermass 300 (75mg Tren A, oxymetholone usp 30mg, test propionate 75mg, halotestin 5mg, nandrolone phenylpropionate 50mg, Methyl Test 65mg) @ 1ml EOD.

That supermass was absolutely beastly - by far the best gear ive used, i was seeing results in a matter of a week but i got a stomach infection and it seemed to make it worse as i only started getting better once i came off the blend and had to cut the cycle short. Sod's law!

So anyways I've always contemplated running Growth as ive heard amazing things about it especially with AAS along side it.

Ive been using Lillys Humatrope (somatropin) @ 2ius split into 5 days on with the weekend off. Im using legitimate UK pharmacy supplied stuff so i have no shadow of a doubt at its authenticity.

Im currently in week 2. I plan to run it for atleast 6 months. I'm also going to introduce Test E at the 3 month mark at 500mg per week for 12 weeks.

The end goal is to shed as much BF as possible whilst hopefully adding some lean muscle as this is the heaviest ive ever been and its not a natural weight for me ( im a martial arts instructor so carrying this extra weight isnt very good for me ). Id like to get down to about 80-85kg lean.

Diet wise Im thinking of running a deficit up until i introduce Test E and then either jumping up to maintenance or a surplus but i havent decided yet (thats where im hoping more experienced users can chime in on this) I've also used 3J a few times in the past so diet is checked in.

I know a lot of people recommend bumping up to 4+ IUs of HGH but im already experiencing sides ( slight wrist pain and numbness/ tingling in my arms) so im guessing this is good gear!

Any thoughts then please jump in and offer them!

update: halfway through week 3. Now although i know the HGH wont be taking effect so early. As weird as it sides i can sort of pinch my finger through the fat and feel the muscles underneath when normally i wouldn't be able to(almost like the fat feels "looser"). I'm putting this down to my diet changes in the past few weeks, no fizzy drinks, sugars only coming from fruit and no more snacking.
update: halfway through week 3. Now although i know the HGH wont be taking effect so early. As weird as it sides i can sort of pinch my finger through the fat and feel the muscles underneath when normally i wouldn't be able to(almost like the fat feels "looser"). I'm putting this down to my diet changes in the past few weeks, no fizzy drinks, sugars only coming from fruit and no more snacking.

IGF1 levels should be raised after about 7 days, HGH serum levels will be increased immediately after first injection.
Personally ? I felt the GH from the very first injection, insane food cravings and an ability to eat nonstop. (Sadly going away slowly...)

I also had diet changes in combination with starting GH but I definitely feel it after just 2 weeks.

There is also no reason to take 2 days off on the weekends, the half life is so short its pointless and was only done for economic reasons in the past.

Should be mentioned I pinned like 140 iu in 2 special and love it this way... Gotta test and experiment to find out how you and your body reacts :P
IGF1 levels should be raised after about 7 days, HGH serum levels will be increased immediately after first injection.
Personally ? I felt the GH from the very first injection, insane food cravings and an ability to eat nonstop. (Sadly going away slowly...)

I also had diet changes in combination with starting GH but I definitely feel it after just 2 weeks.

There is also no reason to take 2 days off on the weekends, the half life is so short its pointless and was only done for economic reasons in the past.

Should be mentioned I pinned like 140 iu in 2 special and love it this way... Gotta test and experiment to find out how you and your body reacts :P

Damn that's a lot of Growth lol I know dependent on what lab it is will determine "potency" of the growth. I'm still getting pins and needles down my forearm and into my fingers on the daily now (right arm only) and that's with only using 2iu a day.
Damn that's a lot of Growth lol I know dependent on what lab it is will determine "potency" of the growth. I'm still getting pins and needles down my forearm and into my fingers on the daily now (right arm only) and that's with only using 2iu a day.

Maybe my shit is underdosed ? But haven't experience any carpal at all. Maybe tiny tiny tingling, the side I get and that's very pronounced is water retention and swelling around ankles.
On 8iu i can make indents in my own skin lol, so I've settled for 4iu. (which might be 2iu since its UGL and yours is pharma, who knows...)

Im gonna go leave igf1 bw right now actually, i'll get back to you with the results :)